December 12, 2021

An historical insight for the ages.

Much of this reminds me of World War I, the “Great War.” Look up the causes. They are all amorphous. Nationalism. An assassination. Treaties. Diplomatic confusions. The Serbs. Meanwhile none of these reasons can actually account for 20 million dead, 21 million wounded, and wrecked economies and lives all over the world, to say nothing of the Great Depression and rise of Hitler that came as a result of this appalling disaster.

Despite investigations, countless books, public hearings, and public fury that lasted a decade or more after the Great War, there never was anyone who accepted responsibility.

So it might be for the lockdowns and mandates of 2020 and 2021.[1]
So it is with the long, slow slide into our present clown version of what the original American constitutional republic was all about. Penumbras emanate. Cities decay. Crime spreads. Schools don't. Deficits happen. Debt soars. The currency evaporates. Jobs too. Riots happen. Thugs roam. Surveillance came. So did hostile and indigestible foreigners. Wars happen. Regimes change. Money flows. Votes appear.

[1] "Who Will Be Held Responsible for This Devastation?" By Jeffrey A. Tucker, Freedom First Network, 12/11/21.


Greybeard said...

First, thanks for stopping by and commenting.
Secondly, to your comment about the myopic focus on the why's of our World Wars;
Where would the economy of Japan and Germany be today if they had not wasted their human and material treasure attempting to dominate others? Both empires thought they were far superior to others and were doing the world a favor eliminating the "human rats" of the world. What group of people look at another segment of humanity and consider them "pigs"?
Germany's 1930's technology WAS far advanced. And with Deming's help, Japan became a technological steamroller after the war.
As an aside, has anyone ever postulated what the global population would be had we not killed off millions and millions in those wars?

Col. B. Bunny said...

The matter of domination goes way back. The arrival of the Western powers in Asia, Africa and elsewhere was overall a good thing in my view. I don't see domination as having been Job Number One at any time though that certainly went along with the whole enterprise. If the British put a stop to suttee in India then that was a big improvement over local preferences. After WWII there was enough talent to make the presence of foreign powers a more time-limited thing. The same with the Germans and the Japanese, however. I think domination was implicit in their actions but not the goal itself. Looking back to the spread of Islam, the Mongol invasions, and Chinese and African internal imperialism, I don't see the Germans or Japanese as being that far away from other expansionist powers before our time. Our own takeover of the Philippines was brutal to say the least and no more justified (from the perspective of modern thinking) than German or Japanese seizures of territory. The German approach to the Jews seems to be out of the ordinary at first blush but the Roman treatment of the Iceni and Carthaginians doesn't look all that different. (The Japanese were particularly vicious in their fighting, treatment of prisoners, and administration let it be said, though the Taiwanese remember them fondly.) Albigensians and the odd Catholic or Protestant during the Reformation fared badly for their thinking to cite other examples. Too, you have the major role played by Jews during the Bolshevik Revolution and the fact that the Jew Genrick Yagoda killed more non-Jews in Russia than Hitler did Jews. But one never hears about that.

The loss of life from WWI on has been huge, not to mention the devastation involved. Russia was actually improving substantially before the first war so overall the madness of the last century set the world back immensely when there was every reason to hope that there would be a great flowering on the planet.

Hats off to all you chopper pilots. The Sea Wolves seemed particularly amazing for their willingness to fly in any weather if there were friendlies in need of support. I mean ANY weather.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the history lesson. It amazes me how powermongers can manipulate without a conscience. It's unfortunate that by the nature of men that those types tend to rise to positions of power or rise to it become corrupted.

Unknown said...

Political power is a tool readily abused. Alas, there's zero appreciation for the warning "just because you can doesn't necessarily mean you should." Today's gaggle of politicians recognize no moral restraint and so we see the destruction of the nation. WWI demonstrated dramatically that the destructive power of our machines was too much for human morals.

Unknown said...

PS - we don't have the moral strength to deal with industrial power OR prosperity. Even something as well thought out as the Constitution has been bypassed. It contained no provisions to create Fedzilla but that's exactly what we have now.

Col. B. Bunny said...

Anonymous, I beg your pardon for appearing to ignore your comment. For some reason Blogger doesn't indicate that a comment has been made. It continues to indicate "No comments."

I'm increasingly drawn to your view. I've known many people in authority in military and civilian life who are honest and decent. The occasional ones who are not are something else again. Alas, they do indeed rise high because they master the bureaucratic machinery when most people want to earn a living AND enjoy time with their families and other pedestrian activities. The current crop of pond scum seem positively committed to in-your-face lies. And the MSM are a megaphone for them. As I like to say, with these mutants EVERY decision they take is the wrong one. Spending, war, virus, culture, borders, manufacturing . . . .

Col. B. Bunny said...

Unknown, my apologies for my tardy response. Please see response to Anonymous, above.

I like that warning a lot. Just because you can, etc.

I enjoy talking to some local Jehovah's Witnesses. They make a similar point about WWI. In their view the Lord has given man free will and all the rope he needs to hang himself trying this and that form of human government. Man has been unsuccessful in governing himself and WWI marks the definitive demonstration of man's inability to exist apart from God. I think the war marks the beginning of the end times though I'm not sure I'm using their precise terminology. Similarly, I can see nothing since that war to indicate that humans are able to manage the complexity of modern life. Many people are abysmally ignorant of the simplest facts of existence, let alone the workings of the Congress, the Federal Reserve, or the Constitution. The immense political power inherent in the secret ballot and regular elections is never exercised and people are slaves to money politics and ridiculous political messaging. Knaves and degenerates are voted back in with regularity, if not enthusiasm. The gift of the Constitution pales in comparison to the allure of free stuff and, a la Thomas Sowell, getting your fair share of what someone else has worked for.

Your thinking is strangely similar to my own. Seek help! :--)