July 3, 2022

Deliberate destruction.

Food production and the fossil fuel industries are not the only ones on the globalists’ chopping block. Last weekend I was invited to a zoom call with the German firebrand "MEP Christine Anderson." who gave us a brief report about the recent vote in the EU parliament to extend the Covid pass requirement for another year. The parliament voted in favor of the extension in plenary session in spite of the fact that the measure is wholly useless and unjustified – to say nothing of the fact that 99% of Europeans are opposed to it. Mrs. Anderson’s explicit assessment on the matter was that EU’s democracy is a sham and a fraud. The plenary never debated the measure – they simply took the vote. Why the majority of MEPs voted in favor is entirely a mystery, and a sinister one at that.

But perhaps the most interesting and unexpected part of the 3 hour long call was about the airline industry. Three of the participants on the call had deep inside knowledge of the airline industry (one of them a pilot) who said in no uncertain terms that the industry is now being systematically and deliberately demolished. Apparently, the ultimate purpose is to kill airline travel altogether.[1]

I'm not going to hide behind a demure "what the hell is going on?" post. I know what's going on. The deliberate attempt to destroy the West is as plain as the nose on my face. And we're talking Mt. Rushmore here.

The withdrawal from Afghanistan might be explained by rank incompetence. That said I can imagine what would have happened to me as an Army lieutenant if I had screwed up something as simple as a movement, not under fire, from A to B with 10 deuce and a halfs, a map, a radio, and 12 months to plan it out. I still don't know who was "it" for conducting that particular Afghan tea party but he seems to have skated on over to his new assignment with no apparent damage done to his career.

So, maybe a screw up that was not punished for domestic political reasons. And that's a big "maybe." A general officer always has a hard-headed command sergeant major and a vigorous, competent operations officer to advise him about, in this case, truly massive movements of men and materiel. The task of cutting our losses and getting out of Dodge would have been uppermost in his and their practical minds and questions would have been asked of the commander seeking information about the broad outline of "The Plan." More likely we saw something deliberately screwed up. I have too much respect of military training, procedures, and leadership principles to believe that the exact nature of the predictable disastrous withdrawal was not communicated by the commander up the chain . . . and ignored. Bidenism over West Point. Guaranteed.

This was a rather unfortunate sideshow to the overall all-units, all-jurisdictions, all-hands Klown Kavalcade now hoving into view these last few decades. And that Kavalcade beggars the imagination. I need not repeat my usual list of economic, social, monetary, spending, welfare, immigration, cultural, trade, educational, and diplomatic land mines, booby traps, and idiocies. Every decision in every area and every zip code, without fail, is the wrong one. As with the Afghanistan skeedaddle, it's simply not possible for smart people to screw up with such regularity and all across the board if "git 'er done" were the first principle and not some bizarre, sinister political agenda.

Sure. Janet Yellen thought that inflation is "transitory."

So recall from your recent memory the astonishing way in which the Western world acted when faced with the recent "pandemic." Was there ever a more authoritarian, destructive, anti-science, manufactured hysteria? The simple concept of risk-benefit analysis was completely abandoned and decisions that affected the lives and livelihoods of millions were taken as though a .2% mortality rate signaled the return of the Black Death. Clearly beneficial alternative treatments were anathematized and the clearly astonishing side effects of the "vaccines" were hidden, downplayed, or disguised. Dangerous drugs became part of the approved protocols and perverse . . . no, evil incentives were offered to all hospitals to misidentify Covid-19 as the culprit. Career ruin awaited experts who questioned the salvific "vaccines" now well known to be virtually useless and, arguably, extremely damaging. Ivermectin was characterized as something in the "eye of newt" category.

Now think of the Biden assault on fossil fuel exploration and production, the equally-dishonest climate change lie factory, the slobbering over electric vehicles, tiny houses, "alternative" enegy, hideous chemical and surgical mutilation of young, confused people, and the vicious attacks on white people, white culture, and the foundations of our country. Then think of the pointless, baseless, manufactured hostility to Russia and our insane efforts to bring down its government and destroy its economy, all with serious damage to ourselves. Then think of the rash of fires at American food production plants. Then of the bizarre, officially-sanctioned looting, arson, and murder of the summer of 2020. Random somethings? Or agenda-driven?

The author of the above passage sees something sinister in the EU lock-step extension of the Covid pass requirement. It's not that hard to figure out. The founding of the EU was premised on the lie that "nationalism" rather than totalitarian government (informed by the monstrous lies of socialism) had been the cause of Europe's woes in the first half of the century and that "globalism" was the righteous path for all to take in the future. The EU had to tread carefully at first but it can now be more overt in pursuing its authoritarian agenda that no European citizen signed onto. It started on a corrupt basis and now we see the result. Economic and cultural madness is the Order of the Day. The crazed importation of hate-filled, arrogant, unassimilable Muslims and other third-world primitives is just the lagniappe. I mean, really freaking unassimalable. Consider, while you're at it, the loathsome E.U. member Frans Timmermans and his multicultural bullshit.[2]

You may already know my mantra: If you hated America (or your own Western country) and wanted to destroy it, what would you do differently from what is being done now by your own leaders? What about all our national governments is decent, kind, rational, patriotic, or constructive?

[1] "A small short? The coming collapse of the air travel industry." By Akrainer, ZeroHedge, 7/2/22 (emphasis added).
[2] Ask yourself who decided that the future he adores is the only path? Why is wanting to have one's own culture and nation such a corrupt, antiquated desire in his view?

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