Barbara, I submit to you, is a perfect metaphor for the Democratic Party of the 21st Century. Like Barbara, they have had a rude psychological shock, stumbled, and become [hysterically] blind to the serious events happening in the world around them. They feel they have been deceived and lied to --betrayed even--and have chosen to direct their rage against President Bush, the symbol of all the evil in the world. By doing so, they don't have to focus on the real evil --the horrific attacks of 9/11. They appear to be sublimely indifferent to the reality around them and choose to focus on events and incidents that are trivial in comparison. Like Barbara, their world is falling apart, but all they can do is close their eyes to it and focus ("displace") their anger onto a convenient target whose election was a blow to their narcissism.[1]We just posted about Jane Fonda's unerring ability to find the people and themes that are so beloved by the enemies of her own culture and country. Thirty-five years within which to examine her beliefs from the days of Vietnam, not to mention study the history of what happened in Vietnam and Cambodia, and the result is . . . the La Brea tar pits of unchanging worldviews.
Neither the reality of utter swine like Comrade Duch nearby, the former boss of Tuol Sleng prison[2] in Cambodia nor the pitiless, daily murders of the Khmer Rouge -- mere drops in the oceans of left-wing conceit, slaughter, torture, and expropriation -- give her or the Left pause to consider
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that political sanity and basic decency can be found in polities that are much less than pure. Churchill (that's Pete Churchill down at the feed store) said something like, "Living in a democracy is like being on a raft in the ocean. Your feet are wet a lot but you stay afloat." Zealots crave never-yet-attained perfection, however, and are aptly described in the Yiddish proverb, "Send a fool to close a window and he'll close all the windows in town." Take care of one of the deserving folks on that "little list" who "won't be missed," a la Gilbert and Sullivan, and pretty soon the whole $%#^@ country is permanently AWOL. How cool is THAT?!
Pol Pot, while in Paris in the early 1950s, with other Cambodian students, organized the group that was the forerunner of the Khmer Rouge. In a pamphlet he pledged someday "to institute a democracy 'pure as a diamond.'" Later, Pot and the other leaders of the Khmer Rouge wanted to establish "real socialism" in Cambodia.[3]
How did that actually play out? How did the moral giants and seers manage in the implementation in their revolution of compassion? Well, other than the impoverishment of the entire nation and wholesale murder and torture, not bad!
Here's an account of first hand exposure to down and dirty revolution.
From the Publisher's Weekly review of Voices from S-21: Terror and History in Pol Pot's Secret Prison by David Chandler there is this about how some journalists discovered the prison after the Vietnamese invasion:
Drawn to the site [Tuol Sleng] by the smell of decomposing flesh, the men discovered the bodies of 50 recently murdered prisoners, an array of implements of torture and a vast abandoned archive of institutionally sanctioned torture and murder.[4]The Colonel, try though he might, simply cannot find in his dearest left wing friends the least impulse to anchor their political views in such stark realities.
Pol Pot set out on a mission to find democracy "pure as a diamond." (We'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say that was some sort of a ball park, Cleveland, Ohio concept of "democracy" he entertained before his embrace of Communism.) Afterwards, he and his cohorts nevertheless strived to find "real" socialism, the genunine article, the real deal version.
In the process, the only pure thing they created was a pure hell.
Local manifestation:
Through most of that regime, Cham Navy, 35, lived with her grandmother after her parents were taken away and killed. She was forbidden from visiting the pond behind her grandmother’s house.Jane Fonda wants the war in Iraq ended so that the money being spent their can be spent on New Orleans: total blindness to any salutary effect of killing Sunni thugs in Iraq.
One day she sneaked out to the pond and found it full of bodies.[5]
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The search for political and social perfection is an expensive and wasteful one. Human affairs simply will never be that perfect. But even with its imperfections, the U.S. is a country that anyone who spends more than a week away from it should be most grateful to return to.
That gratitude will never be found on the left, however. Barbara in Dr. Sanity's post may one day come to appreciate that even flaws in a loved one do not mean that that person is beneath contempt or lacking in love for her.
She will come to that realization directly, if she hasn't already. The Left will forever be trying not to gag when the National Anthem is played.
[1] "A Classic Case of Hysteria." Dr. Sanity, 2/3/05 (emphasis added).
[2] "The Poisonous Hill that is TUOL SLENG." By Youk Chhang.
[3] "Left-Wing Monster: Pol Pot." By John Perazzo,, 8/8/05.
[5] "KR Trial Project Unearths Haunting Memories. "By Lee Berthiaume and Kuch Naren, The Cambodia Daily, 8/12/05.
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