June 23, 2006

Light blogging.

We know. Our blogging is always light.

OK. The frequency of our blogging will once again diminish while we travel to an All-Sibling Reunion, thence, if we survive that, to visit a pal in the Big House, and thence to an Army reunion.

We'll blog occasionally when we can get to the internet.

In the meantime, remember that the only good mutilating, torturing, throat-slashing, scum sucking terrorist is a dead mutilating, torturing, throat-slashing, scum sucking terrorist. The more dead ones there are the better off everybody will be.

The Colonel's views are not complex at all.

June 22, 2006

Muslim holy man -- II: terrorist bag man.

Name:Imam Dhaou Meskine.
Religion: Mohammedan.
Country of origin: Tunisia.
Police contacts: Arrested June 19, 2006.
Job title: Secretary General of the Council of Imams of France, a national Islamic group.
Side businesses: Pursuing establishment of "leisure park" and founder of France's first private Muslim high school.
Bullshit the infidel activities: Helped to establish "inter-religious dialogue in France between Christians, Jews and Muslims."
Clandestine activities: Suspected of "money laundering activities linked to extremist Muslims."

Islamic leader caught in terrorist funds probe." APF, 6/20/06.

Muslim holy man.

If ever there were a guy any country would want to see hustled back on the plane it would have to be Sheik Riyadh ul-Haq. He's a former Muslim cleric of Central Mosque, one of Britain's biggest mosques. We say "former" on account of his termination therefrom.

David Oulette, director of the Canadian Coalition for Democracies (CCD), called for Sheik ul-Haq to be denied entry to Canada, stating:

The problem is that this sheik has a history of radical discourses that incite hatred toward non-Muslims, speaking of plots by non-Muslims against Islam and the Muslim world in general [and] glorifying martyrdom in the way of Allah, which could be interpreted as an incitation to violence,
Our source reports further that:

Mr. Haq is expected to speak about the importance of prayer, children's education and family relations.
Oh, I bet. That's what imams fly over from Britain to talk about.


Where is Sam Kinnison when you need him to intone his famous, "Surrrrrrre!!"

Yes. This guy is Zig Ziglar in a dress. He's big, we tell you. BIG. Big, big, big, big, big, big, big on those family relations. He will, in point of fact, be coming over to pass on his familial insights after being involved in a sex scandal that involved a drive by murder in Britain. We're talking credentials here.

Also, contrary to the laws of Britain, he secretly married a second wife.

This man knows family like we know IHOP griddle cakes.

News of the British authorities' prosecution of the imam for bigamy has not reached us by this afternoon's post, Dear Readers. We're sure that they're pursuing him like Alabama coon dogs after a free range chicken.

There is no fear or favor in Britain where it comes to standing up to the Muslims who think their religion is a law unto itself. No there isn't.

And don't you just have to appreciate what the sheik's violation of the criminal laws of Britain tells you about his willingness to live under those laws.

Lesson learned: where Muslim Holy Men are concerned watch for secret behavior out of sight of the police and the public.

"Hate-spreading cleric to speak in Canada." globalnational.com, 6/21/06.

Granting citizenship to foreigners.

The excerpt below challenges a cherished assumption of Americans, namely, that all arrivals to the United States respect America and its ways and will continue those ways for all time.

Is that assumption reliable? What country in history has made it a pillar of national policy -- as we have -- that huge numbers of foreigners from extremely dissimilar cultures should be encouraged to enter the country to reside permanently?

We are justified in being able to rely on the enormous assimilative power of American culture. There are huge payoffs to "buying in," as any fool can recognize. (And the benefits of not buying in are happily rather sparse. The "youths" recently arrested as suspected terrorists near Toronto -- which is sort of like the U.S. -- face a bleak future by any standard not formulated between the ears of Osama bin Beelzebub.) Why would the benefits of assimilation not be obvious to any reasonable and same person? we ask ourselve

For the majority of Americans "immigrant" historically meant primarily "person of European background." Starting in the 60s, the door was thrown open with a vengeance and a lot of "diversity" showed up to make their contribution. This was unquestionable a good thing. If you weren't trying to compete with the sons and daughters of our Vietnamese friends in trying to get into med school, that is. (Nowadays your competition for the "level flight" portion of airline pilot training is unquestionably Arab, which tells you something, though who knows for sure what?)

It turns out there was plenty of room for all these new people, the assimilation juggernaut rolled forward, and we were enriched by Hindus, Haitians, Cubans, Vietnamese, Chinese, and so forth. (The Colonel himself met some awesome East Indians back in Our Nation's Capitol, one of whom was one of the finest gentlemen the Colonel has ever known.)

This new wave of immigrants created no fundamental conceptual problem for Americans in their trying to understand the issue of immigration, if they even thought about it at all.

Except for the one group. For the first time in our history, it is now necessary to examine critically the long-term significance of having gambled with allowing in Muslims. (The issue of tolerance of Saudi meddling in U.S. domestic affairs is a matter for another series of posts.)

It's a horrendously difficult issue to grapple with and, in our opinion, the only effective measures will require Americans to make radical changes in their assumptions about automatic, effortless assimilation where the "M" word is mentioned and for them to make radical and uncomfortable discriminatory judgments in a way that flies in the face of our most celebrated national goals since the beginning of the Civil Rights Era. Equality of outcome opportunity.

The pussyfooting around on the issue of profiling is testimony to the weakness that experience created for us as a nation when our leaders are not making the case for salutary discrimination and cojonical measures that will take care of the jihadi swine and their secret pals.

The problem of dilution:
The same mistake had been committed by the Romans in former days, when they had granted the citizenship to barbarians. "An exchange was established between Italy and the Provinces. Italy sent her sons to die in distant lands and received in compensation millions of slaves. Of these, some were attached to the land, cultivated it, and soon enriched it with their bones; others, crowded together in the towns, attentive to the vices of a master, were often freed by him and became citizens. Little by little the sons of freed men came to be in sole possession of the city, composed the Roman people, and under this name gave laws to the world. From the time of the Gracchi, they alone nearly filled the Forum. Thus, a new people succeeded to the Roman people, absent or destroyed."
Please don't bother to cry that it can't happen here. The very President of the United States cannot bring himself to name the obvious enemy -- Islam. Islam has that power within our own borders.




"musulmanbook." 11/2/05 (quoting from Islam and the Psychology of the Musulman, by Andre Servier.

A woman who should take up knitting.

Let's see if we can get a handle on this.

Let's start with the stark stupidity:

Last night the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament chairwoman, Kate Hudson, said she was "appalled" by the Chancellor's apparent intention to renew Britain's nuclear arsenal, which she said would be "nuclear hypocrisy of the worst order".

She said: "To actively pursue a new nuclear arms race in that way will only contribute to global tensions and lead other countries to conclude that they also need to develop nuclear weapons."
First, hypocrisy denotes conduct that is knowingly inconsistent with a previously declared position, ideal, or standard. For decades Britain has indicated its intention to maintain its nuclear deterrent and it has, in fact, maintained it. Britain has never mentioned that it intends to abandon its deterrent.

THEREFORE, Ms. Hudson says, Britain is hypocritical by maintaining its deterrent.

Had the British said they were not going to do anything to maintain the effectiveness of their existing deterrent and then said they would, we could talk about hypocrisy.


But hysterical leftist critics must make a beeline to "hypocrisy," "moral decay," "racism," "insensitivity," and "mean-spiritedness" in any disagreement with political opponents, right?

Second, how does one initiate a "new" arms race if one merely sticks with what one has had for, oh, 45 years?

According to the Hudson "analysis" then, news that the Brits were intending to rustproof the telemetry antennas on the missiles might be enough to set off a global scramble to acquire nuclear arms.

And . . . it's a "new nuclear arms race" to replace an existing missile that can deliver a nuclear payload 4,600 miles away with a more reliable missile that can deliver a nuclear payload 4,600 miles away?

Kate Hudson should be fretting over cutworms and china patterns instead of matters bearing on the defense of the nation.

Well, okayyyy. We'd trust her with design of a new mess kit or choice of curtains in military offices.

"Britain 'will keep' nuclear deterrent." By James Kirkup, Scotsman.com, 6/22/06 (emphasis added).

Hannibal Lecter enemies.

Here, then, is the enemy we face in Iraq: not nationalists or extremists or even fanatics, but something like a band of real-life Hannibal Lecters for whom human slaughter is both business and religious fulfillment.
"The Savages. A barbaric enemy disqualified from the Geneva Conventions." Editorial, Wall Street Journal, 6/22/06.

Feminism's failure with Muslims.

Feminists failed to breach the Muslim faith. Indeed, one of the reasons Muslim countries see western cultures as being threatening is due to the fact that all western cultures are radically feminist. We insist on exporting absolutist feminism via every possible channel, and then wonder why.
How Feminist Absolutism Drives Moral Relativism ." David R. Usher, OpinionEditorials.com, 6/21/06.


In taking this position, Katharine Jefferts Schori is preaching from the N.O.W. [National Organization for Women] Times, which in 1988 declared, "The simple fact is that every woman must be willing to be identified as a lesbian to be fully feminist."
Makes sense to us. If a woman believes in equality for women (or gynocracy), her orgasms MUST be induced by another woman.

"How Feminist Absolutism Drives Moral Relativism ." David R. Usher, OpinionEditorials.com, 6/21/06.

June 21, 2006

Liberal bias in the MSM? Jamais!

James Taranto has a non-debatable take on the AP's commitment to a tendentious interpretation of the President's electronic surveillance policies:

Cheney defended the NSA's domestic eavesdropping program, which the administration calls its "terrorist surveillance program" as important in the war on terror, while conceding it was controversial.
If you can't spot the partisan twist in this, find it here:

"AP: Awfully Partisan." By James Taranto, Best of the Web, WSJ.com, 6/20/06.

Grim reminders jog Nation's Democrat leadership after late spring memory loss.

Compare this:

Republican Congressional leaders expressed their shock one day after the disastrous D Day landings in Normandy, in which thousands of American troops lost their lives in a dangerous Democrat gamble to storm the beaches and overwhelm well-armed and well-entrenched fanatical German defenders.

"After 2-1/2 years of war," one Republican leader said, "this is as good as the Administration can do?!"

Reports have reached the Capitol that our troops were hurled directly into the guns of the Nazi defenders in open boats with exit ramps that opened directly into the murderous fire of the enemy. Some troops were evidently transported from naval troop carrier ships and offloaded directly into deep, wave-swept water, causing many of our boys to drown with their heavy equipment. Army Rangers were given the impossible mission of scaling cliffs while under fire, raising pointed questions about pre-mission planning that would choose such inhospitable terrain to mount the first major attack on German forces on the Western Front.

Some Republicans have questioned the advisability of this attack at all, given the phenomenal success of Russian forces on the Eastern Front and their willingness to go right to Berlin and get the job done for us. Complete non-involvement, or a much more limited involvement, are policy options that some say President Roosevelt has arrogantly refused to consider.

Republicans have begun to whisper that attendance at an Ivy League school and rapid advancement in politics due to family money are not a guarantee of intelligent policy choices.

More fringe elements of the Republican Party have even gone so far as to question whether President Roosevelt lied about his intentions to involve the Nation in ground combat in Europe in order to ensure his reelection!

"The wisdom of this kind of suicidal tactic just escapes me," said another Republican. "This is a grim reminder of our failed policy in Europe where thousands and thousands and thousands of tons of bombs delivered in ever more suicidal 8th Air Force unescorted, daylight bombing raids have failed to weaken the enemy's will to resist. Furthermore, the policy of support for the French has meant only frightful economic expense and needless battle deaths and, frankly, it is time for the French people to use the arms, ammunition, and supplies we've parachuted in to them and stand up to the foreign fighters who have streamed into their country specifically to engage American troops."
To this . . . :

Democrats said yesterday that the United States must start "redeploying" troops from Iraq, calling the recovery of the mutilated bodies of two U.S. soldiers a "grim reminder" of why withdrawal should begin soon.

* * * *

The Senate is expected to spend at least five hours today debating two competing Democratic proposals to start pulling U.S. combat troops out of Iraq.

The killings are "a grim reminder of the price we're paying for a failed policy in Iraq," said Sen. Richard J. Durbin of Illinois, the Democratic whip. "It's time for Iraqis to stand up. When will this end?"
"Troop 'redeployment' sought by Democrats." By Christina Bellantoni, Washington Times. 6/21/06.

June 20, 2006

Saudi perfidy – II: financing Muslim Brotherhood in the U.S.

The Brotherhood -- or al-Ikhwan al-Muslimun, as it is known in Arabic -- is a sprawling and secretive society with followers in more than 70 countries. It is dedicated to creating an Islamic civilization that harks back to the caliphates of the 7th and 8th centuries, one that would segregate women from public life and scorn nonbelievers.

In some nations -- Egypt, Algeria, Syria, Sudan -- the Brotherhood has fomented Islamic revolution. In the Palestinian territories, the Brotherhood created the Islamic Resistance Movement, or Hamas, which has become known for its suicide bombings of Israelis. . . .

* * * *

For decades, the Brotherhood enjoyed the support of the government of Saudi Arabia and its oil billions, which helped the group expand in the United States.

Past and present Muslim Brotherhood supporters make up the U.S. Islamic community's most organized force. They run hundreds of mosques and dozens of businesses engaging in ventures such as real estate development and banking. They also helped set up some of the leading American Islamic organizations that defend the rights of Muslims, promote Muslim civic activism and seek to spread Islam.

For years federal agents paid little heed to the Brotherhood, but after Sept. 11 they noticed that many leads went back to the Brotherhood.

* * * *
The Brotherhood has been connected to many Islamic extremists worldwide. Two Egyptian Brotherhood members went on to found split-off terrorist groups: Ayman Zawahiri, now Osama bin Laden's deputy, and blind sheik Omar Abdel Rahman, who was convicted in 1995 of plotting to blow up New York landmarks.

* * * *

A U.S. official familiar with federal investigations of former Brotherhood members said some developed "a disciplined strategy, specific goals" to act on their plan to convert Americans, starting with U.S. military personnel, prison inmates and black people.

Many Brotherhood leaders advocate patience in promoting their goals. In a 1995 speech to an Islamic conference in Ohio, a top Brotherhood official, Youssef Qaradawi, said victory will come through dawah -- Islamic renewal and outreach -- according to a transcript provided by the Investigative Project, a Washington terrorism research group. "Conquest through dawah, that is what we hope for," said Qaradawi, an influential Qatari imam who pens some of the religious edicts justifying Hamas suicide bombings against Israeli civilians. "We will conquer Europe, we will conquer America, not through the sword but through dawah," said the imam, who has condemned the Sept. 11 attacks but is now barred from the United States.

* * * *

. . . But because the Brotherhood is a secret society, its precise links around the world are hard to determine, U.S. officials said.

Obstacles to Saudi operations in U.S. created by U.S. government?


"THE WORLD AFTER 9/11: The Muslim Brotherhood In America. In Search Of Friends Among The Foes." By John Mintz and Douglas Farah, Washington Post, 9/11/04 (emphasis added).

June 19, 2006

Europe died in Auschwitz.

[A]ll of a sudden I understood that Europe died with Auschwitz. We assassinated 6 million Jews in order to end up bringing in 20 million Muslims!
Spanish journalist, Sebastian Villar Rodriguez, quoted in "How Europe Died." By David Horowitz, David's Blog, 9/20/05, p. 22.

Going on the attack.

The sellout to the pathology of Islam by Western politician continues at flank speed.

In his article Mark Steyn looks at the insanity of focusing on "victim" rights whenever some new Islamic outrage takes place and has this clear headed thought about dealing Muslim terrorists:

If we try to fight it as isolated outbreaks -- a suicide attack here, a beheading there -- we will never win. You have to take on the ideology and the networks that sustain it and throttle them. Does David Miller [mayor of Toronto] sound like a man who's up to that challenge? A reader in Quebec, John Gross, emailed me to distill the mayor's approach as: "Don't get mad, get even . . . wimpier."
"You can't believe your lyin' eyes. The Islamoschmoozing has gone into full gear. What's the harm? This is how nations die." By Mark Steyn, Macleans.ca, 6/13/06 (emphasis added).


Today, the definition of a nanosecond is the gap between a Western terrorist incident and the press release of a Muslim lobby group warning of an impending outbreak of Islamophobia.
"You can't believe your lyin' eyes. The Islamoschmoozing has gone into full gear. What's the harm? This is how nations die." By Mark Steyn, Macleans.ca, 6/13/06.

June 18, 2006

Immigration: sanity on multiculturalism.

Melanie Phillips reprints an extraordinarily thoughtful and insightful letter from a British woman whose family came from Nigeria.

This woman writes about the problems with multiculturalism and the need for a single national identity.

"The voice of beleaguered British sanity." Melanie Phillips, 6/11/06.

Islamic non-contribution -- XLV.

Source: "Only Angels Have Wings." All Things Beautiful, 6/16/06.

The Colonel is very focused on the issue of cultural, scientific, legal, and philosophical contributions to humanity.

Our oft-stated belief is that Islam is an ideology that will actively obstruct contributions in these areas with the possible single exception of seriously advancing the art of mine warfare as a manifestation of Allah's greatness.

There is a fatal contradiction in Islam.

For example, if memory serves us, V.S. Naipaul observed in his Among the Believers, the Iranian mullahs hated the West but can not do without the things that only the "world culture" can provide. We think he was referring to Phantom jets at the time.

This is rather like the internet-circulated witticism: Sex is like air. It's no big deal . . . until you're not getting any. Muslims think Western technical and medical marvels are just sort of "out there" like crabgrass.

Theodore Dalrymple has written ("When Islam Breaks Down") of this fatal contradiction:

And the problem is that so many Muslims want both stagnation and power: they want a return to the perfection of the seventh century and to dominate the twenty-first, as they believe is the birthright of their doctrine, the last testament of God to man. If they were content to exist in a seventh-century backwater, secure in a quietist philosophy, there would be no problem for them or us; their problem, and ours, is that they want the power that free inquiry confers, without either the free inquiry or the philosophy and institutions that guarantee that free inquiry. They are faced with a dilemma: either they abandon their cherished religion, or they remain forever in the rear of human technical advance.
Would that we had the option of ensuring that Muslims live in their cherished "seventh-century backwater" free of any polluting contact with Westerners.

Is not our point magnificently made when we ask, "What is in the stunningly beautiful technical marvel depicted above (and here) that has come from an Islamic society?"

Or in this, for that matter:


List of problems solved by MacGyver.

Wikipedia <-- Pencader Days.

"Bad thoughts" and university indoctrination of obversity.

In our too-long attendance at our esteemed alma mater as an undergrad, we remember fondly a Chinese professor who gave us the lowdown on the Chinese communist rule of the PRC. The only forthright statement ever made on the issue of liberty in our time in any class was by the chairman of the Asian Studies Dept. who stated, "Private property is the foundation of liberty."

Sadly, all manner of constitutional distortion passed without a murmur of criticism in our constitutional law class in law school. One of the professors now at said school is interested in "queer theory."

Given this university's

  • failure to inculcate an appreciation of political precepts necessary to living as free men,
  • indifference to the subversion of our freedoms, and
  • provision of employment and prestige to professors with patently queer intellectual interests,
the following post was of great interest:

There is, indeed, a University in the Seattle University District, even if big business is bugging out of there, and a lot of other areas in Seattle, as fast as they can. The University District is pretty much like all the other college and university districts in medium to large American cities today. It provides a living to a small faction of genuine scholars, as well as work space and research facilities and salaries to a host of useful scientists and necessary engineers. But more and more, the main function of our University Districts from coast to coast is to provide a safe-haven for the homeless, the useless, the addicted, the soul-dead, and the politically perverted of all stripes. In addition, the university at the center of these districts currently provides employment for, and benefits to, a host of latter-day hippy professors whose twisted politics, depraved morals and incessant dreams of the destruction of America would make them each persona non grata in most American communities outside of "university districts."

Saturday was an especially good day for seeing the University District as it really is. . . . [T]he streets had been transformed into what can only be described as an open-air Moonbat Mall.

* * * *

What didn't pass [from my mind was] the deep sense of ennui and inertia that comes over one when you are exposed, for the Nth time, to all the causes and manias that have festered without change in our University Districts for decades. . . .

Where do these insane yet indestructible ideas come from? How do they replicate themselves over and over, and still find new brains in which to gain traction . . . ? The answer is that they are kept alive and communicable in the Petri dishes of our universities and colleges, and implanted deeply in each new freshman class.

This is obvious to anyone who has been paying attention to the degeneration of the "liberal arts" in higher education into the "liberal hegemony" of higher education. But still, seeing the Moonbat Mall red in tooth and claw, I had to wonder why we allow this all to go on.
"Bad thoughts." American Digest, 5/23/06.

Duffy's comment is great: "Locals in Mass. refer to Amherst as '5 square miles surrounded by reality'."

Please pull up ever so slightly!

"Fly!." third world country, 6/15/06 <-- All Things Beautiful.

June 17, 2006

Charles Martel at Poitiers - 732 A.D.

Source: British Library.

Top secret issue in current border/amnesty debate - crime.

The Justice Department has no idea what’s driving this upswing [in crime], but I think the answer is very easy to figure out. Three words: Gangs of illegals.

The one that’s gained a very large dose of notoriety of late is Mara Salva Trucha, better known as MS13..

These thugs are trained in paramilitary tactics, which means they can invade homes and rob with alarming efficiency. They’re also known for the way they punish defectors and rival gangs, one of their favorite methods being to cut off the fingers of offenders with machetes. The group is made up mostly of Salvadoran illegals, but now includes a large number of Mexican illegals as well.

And they’re not just in big cities anymore. They now have a presence in Northern Virginia, as well as rural [Pennsylvania].

And the scariest part is they’re just the tip of the ice-berg. Hispanic youths, whether recent arrivals or birthright American citizens, are developing an underclass culture. . . . Hispanic school dropout rates and teen birthrates are now the highest in the nation. Gang crime is exploding nationally—rising 50 percent from 1999 to 2002—driven by the march of Hispanic immigration east and north across the country.

Most worrisome, underclass indicators like crime and single parenthood do not improve over successive generations of Hispanics—they worsen.
"Hispanic Gangs Responsible For Increase In Violent Crime." By Rahel, Customerservant, 6/15/06 (some formatting by us)

Poignant story.

Mr. Yon's story (see link below) is a sad story about a woman who wanted to write a book about a search for true love.

Remember it next time you hear Palestinians or Muslim apologists talk about civilian casualties.

The war in Iraq is about killing animals. Thus, it is good and necessary.

But it is one thing to go to war to defend yourself against true enemies or to aid others under attack. It's another to go to war because you are unwilling to accept your own cultural inferiority and you decide you have to kill inoffensive people from vibrant cultures to hide your inferiority.

"The Greedy Ones." By Michael Yon, Michael Yon : Online Magazine, June 17, 2006.

Must-see movie.

Movie: "Islam: What the West Needs to Know."
Commentary by: Robert Spencer, Bat Ye'or, Walid Shoebat, and Serge Trifković.
Release date: July 2006.
Attendance: Mandatory.

Rhetorical exactitude.

Fighting Terrorism without tackling Islam is like trying to cure measles by painting over the spots and forbidding anyone to mention the word measles. It just gets worse.
Ice Dragon comment on "West: A war that isn't." By Robert Spencer, Jihad Watch, 6/17/06.

Is it just us . . . ?

Or is it in fact strange to you that so many Iranians could be in one of Iraq's central provinces?

Some 50 Iranians along with an Iranian security forces commander have been arrested by Iraq’s security forces in the central [Iraqi] province of Diyala, an Iraqi television channel reported.

The arrests were made during a raid jointly by American and Iraqi forces late Sunday . . . .
Now most assuredly this is an official Iranian action giving direct aid and comfort to enemy combatants in the field against U.S. forces.

Surely this would warrant some kind of punitive strike on the Iranians. Say, shoot down one of their fighters, sink one of their naval vessels, sever a pipeline that brings in gasoline from outside?

#$@%#! When is there ever a penalty for these killers? The West has for way too long allowed these bottom feeders to believe that there's no tomorrow.

"Iran’s agents arrested in key Iraqi province." Iran Focus, 6/13/06 (emphasis added) <-- Common Sense & Wonder.

Logic and the measures of success in the Iraq war.

Even after [the] killing [of] over 3,000,000 German soldiers, the "Werewolves" [Nazi diehards] were mining roads and sniping at Allied soldiers.

. . . Anyone who is intellectually honest can see that the Iraq War is going well by historical standards. . . .

The individual "tests" [of success in Iraq used by the author] can and will be challenged, but the overall landscape of our success in Iraq cannot be rationally refuted. . . .

Those who will explode in anger at the tests and evidence above – and there will be many – reveal more often than not a hatred of George W. Bush and/or a distrust of American strength. Those people are a lost cause.
"Rational Thought 101." By Aslan, Logic Times, 12/27/05 (emphasis added).

Selective outrage over Iraqi civilian deaths.

The bedrock belief of this colorful ["anti-war"]group is that American military might is grinding up the citizenry of Iraq for motives of profit, revenge and/or imperialism.

How many civilians have died since the onset of the war in Iraq? There are varying reports, but the consensus appears to be around 30,000 people, a number recently referenced by President Bush . . . .

* * * *

What conclusion can one draw from this? That these protestors are pacifists, people of conscience opposed to all military conflict? That they are overwhelmed by the unique suffering and death caused by modern American imperialism? Or that these are decent people, simply horrified by man's inhumanity to man?

There certainly are a few classic pacifists sprinkled into this or any anti-war movement, but they are the rare exception rather than the rule. The evidence supports only one conclusion: it is not the death and suffering of innocents that is objectionable to these protestors, only the death and suffering caused by American policy. These people protest America, not war.
Aslan goes on to tally the number of deaths caused by Saddam and compares them to the deaths supposedly caused by the U.S.

Result: 37,616 to 92,294 fewer deaths (counting only Iraqi deaths) in Iraq under U.S. occupation than would have been the case under Saddam Hussein had he stayed in power and killed at his customary rate.

Aslan points out, too, that the people who so hate U.S.-caused deaths couldn't care a fig about death in Darfur or E. Timor.

The anti-war movement views Iraqi civilians deaths as grist for the anti-American mill. Dead Sudanese are a statistic. Dead Iraqis before the war are a memory. Dead civilians in Iraq today are an exhilarating opportunity for the socialist left to undermine American liberty, power and society.
"Fuzzy Moral Math." By Aslan, Logic Times, 4/9/06 (emphasis in last paragraph ours).

Calling all Muslim bounty hunters!

It never ceases to amaze the Colonel that individual priests in the Muslim hierarchy in any locality or country can decide that someone should be killed.

To vary our earlier Jerry Falwell example, we see in this post, again, the unfettered discretion of people -- with no other intellectual accomplishment or life experience than having acquired a knowledge of the Islam and the sharia (of unknown accuracy or depth) -- to call for the extrajudicial killing of local unfortunates or even non-Muslims halfway around the globe.

This post puts the lie to the proposition that jihadis are somehow the source of all current disorder and pathology in the Muslim house. Witness that thousands of Bangladeshis demonstrated demanding the death of a Hindu woman who dared to speak out about living in a Muslim majority land. Thousands, mind you, did this daily.

That's thousands of fanatics, or thousands of ordinary Muslims? Take a guess.

Our recent post, Muslim kaleidoscope, links to the killing of a supposed "blasphemer" in Pakistan by a shopkeeper and a student.

Samurai shopkeeper? Or ordinary Muslim?

Islam is not an ideology that has any meaningful hierarchy to it. It must have the flattest organizational chart in the world and seems to operate from the non-Fuehrerprinzip that anarchy is The Steady State of IslamTM unless, that is, too much publicity attends specific instances thereof.

In the event of embarrassing publicity, it becomes expedient for authority figures to step in with obfuscatory bullshit interpretations of what the "real" Islam requires. The recently-witnessed, objectionable, aberrational conduct is simply quite beyond the pale, deah boy.

Maybe just more of those Muslim "misunderstanders"!

Anyway, here's yet another instance of Muslims going after someone to make his or her life a living hell for daring to say anything critical about Muslim society or Islam:

The life of 43-year old Taslima Nasreem (pictured) has been littered with difficulties and successes, but she has been a persistent target for crazed Islamists. In her native Bangladesh, she qualified as a doctor, but she also wrote a column for a paper and became an author. In her first novel, called Lajja, or "Shame" she documented the plight of Hindus in Bangladesh, as well as the oppression of women..

But with Islam, to expose its ugly truth always brings violent reaction. Bangladeshi imams but a bounty upon her head of $5,000, and then the fundamentalists forced the government to bring criminal charges, for "deliberately and maliciously hurting Moslem religious sentiments". Every day, thousands demonstrated in the country she had grown up in, demanding her death.
"India: Islamists Want Author Taslima Nasreem Deported." By Giraldus Cambrensis, Western Resistance, 6/15/06.

Earth to Dubya.

Islam. Religion of peace?

Bubonic plague. Fun disease?

David S. Powers, professor of near eastern studies at Cornell University, has noted that Muslim scholars of abrogation such as Ibn Salama (d. 1020) claimed the "sword verse" cited above (9.5) had abrogating power over 124 other verses, including "every other verse in the Koran which commands or implies anything less than a total offensive against the non-believers." U.S.-born historian John Wansbrough found that the sword verse "became the scriptural prop of a formulation designed to cover any and all situations which might arise between the Muslim community and its enemies." Influential Islamist authors such as 'Abd al-Salam Faraj, Maulana Maududi and Sayyid Qutb have all expressed their agreement with the classical interpretation of the commands to fight and kill.

* * * *

. . . Egypt's Sayyid Qutb, a guiding force of the Muslim Brotherhood (from which al-Qaeda sprang), wrote that the tendency to interpret the Koran as if it enjoins only defensive war is an error . . . .
This is an interesting article and warrants study. Of particular interest is the discussion of how Christians had to deal with the bloodthirsty parts of the Old Testament and succeeded by finding a more pacific purpose in scripture through the prism of the gospels, in effect a "reinterpretation" away of the inconvenient parts.

Sadly, in Islam, the author notes that the prism worked the reverse – later more violent pronouncements of Mohammed were interpreted by Muslim scholars to have abrogated the earlier and milder one.

"Islam: A religion of peace?." By Gordon Nickel, National Post, 6/13/06.

Spineless Canadian courts/legislature.

Here's a 2002 court case in Ontario that we'd never heard of. A Mr. Mark Harding was convicted of a crime for distributing pamphlets about Islam outside a school in Ontario.

Reading the article, we could not but conclude that everything Mr. Harding said about Islam was truth and clarity itself.

He also objected to the policy of providing Muslims a separate room in government schools in which to pray during school hours while not making similar accommodations for Christians, Hindus, or Buddhists.

Requiring this penniless man to serve out 340 hours (42 days!) of court-imposed "community" service under the direction of Mohammad Ashraf, general secretary of the Islamic Society of North America in Mississauga, Ont., evinces a perverse judicial commitment to personal humiliation of the "criminal" in question.

The judge in the case who convicted Mr. Harding was Judge Sidney B. Linden. The community service provision was to be served under the direction of the aforementioned Islamic society –- a mere three hours from Mr. Harding's home.

The case is a dramatic example of the pernicious nature of hate crime laws, in this case Canada's genocide and hate-crimes law.

We're not well versed in hate crime nonsense in the U.S. but, notwithstanding such foolish laws, we are under the impression that the First Amendment still is a substantial limitation on government officials' examining the content of what one says here to determine if it is "appropriate," i.e., not seditious; not offensive; not "hateful;" not unkind; not mean-spirited; not evidencing non=establishment views on race, religion, and culture; or not telling too much truth about government excess and hypocrisy.

One delicious irony in the case is that where the "community" service was to be performed was at the Islamic Society of North America in Mississauga, Ont.

Yum, yum.

Mississauga is, you will recall, Dear Reader, is the site of recent arrests of a gaggle of Muslims youths alleged to be part of an alleged Muslims terror ring, which had purchased three tons of an explosive chemical. Mr. Harding's highly, highly offensive, misguided, hate-filled, mean-spirited, criminal pamphlet said this about local Muslims:

The Muslims who commit these crimes are no different than the Muslim believers living here in Toronto. Their beliefs are based on the Quran. They sound peaceful, but underneath their false sheep's clothing are raging wolves seeking whom they may devour. And Toronto is definitely on their hit list.
How stupid and vicious can one human being be?

"Punishment includes Islam indoctrination. Canadian to resume hate-crimes sentence under Muslim direction." By Art Moore, WorldNetDaily.com, 10/31/02 <-- "Religion of Peace."

Racism in Congress.

Baron Bodissey has some classic comments on racism in Congress:

But because the man [Rep. William Jefferson, Dem.-La.] is black, he could be photographed standing on the Capitol steps receiving a laundry basket full of $100 bills from Atiku Abubakar, and any question of the propriety of the transaction would be denounced as “racism”.

Here the Baron helps further to defang the charge of "racism" and to keep the eye on the ball: actual performance compared to objective standards of excellence.

What is the "Congressional Black Caucus" anyway? (Our emphasis.) Were there to be a "White Congressional Caucus" on the Hill it would be as the heavens had turned bright green with purple bolts of lightning striking the Capitol Dome.

"A Different Standard, Indeed." By Baron Bodissey, Gates of Vienna, 6/16/06.

Major damage to al Qaida.

This is a pretty strong claim to make about the damage done to al Qaida, but the stats on the number of followup raids, killings, and arrests are undoubtedly accurate.
Al Qaeda in Iraq has been virtually wiped out by the loss of an address book. The death of al Qaeda leader Abu Musab al Zarqawi was not as important as the capture of his address book and other planning documents in the wake of the June 7th bombing. . . . So far, the June 7th strike has led to over 500 more raids. There have been so many raids, that there are not enough U.S. troops to handle it, and over 30 percent of the raids have been carried by Iraqi troops or police, with no U.S. involvement. Nearly a thousand terrorist suspects have been killed or captured.

* * * *

Zarqawi considered al Qaeda's situation in Iraq as "bleak." The most worrisome development was the growing number of trained Iraqi soldiers and police. These were able to easily spot the foreigners who made up so much of al Qaeda's strength. Moreover, more police and soldiers in an area meant some local civilians would feel safe enough to report al Qaeda activity. The result of all this is that there are far fewer foreign Arabs in Iraq fighting for al Qaeda.
"Al Qaeda in Iraq Died For Our Sins." Strategy Page, 6/16/06 <-- Dr. Sanity.

June 16, 2006

Our hostile press.

Journalists in the 1940s, '50s and early '60s tended to believe they had a duty to buttress Americans' faith in their leaders and their government. Journalists since Vietnam and Watergate have tended to believe that they have a duty to undermine such faith, especially when the wrong party is in office.

. . . There's also a peril for the political left [in the "visible slavering over the prospect of a Rove indictment "]. Vietnam and Watergate were arguably triumphs for honest reporting. But they were also defeats for America--and for millions of freedom-loving people in the world. They ushered in an era when the political opposition and much of the press have sought not just to defeat administrations but to delegitimize them. The pursuit of Karl Rove by the left and the press has been just the latest episode in the attempted criminalization of political differences.[1]
We're not much of a partisan of the idea that Vietnam reporting was honest. Maybe it was.[2] The problem was probably that the military and the Nixon and Johnson permitted the press to operate in Vietnam without the ground rules that applied to reporters in WWII. There was plenty of killing to report and any "honest," i.e., Vietnam-like, reporting about Tarawa would have curdled the blood of the folks at home just as much.

It was the justness of the war that the press could not or would not see. Vietnam was a noble effort to halt the spread of communism. LBJ's Gulf of Tonkin Incident was probably bogus but the war had noble objectives and bought time for the rest of SE Asia to keep from being dominoes. The communists got a lesson in fearing the wrath of America.

The parallels between the Gulf of Tonkin Incident and the (quite false) furor over Saddam's WMDs is instructive. Wars can be worthwhile endeavors, notwithstanding that the rationale therefore at the outset is later subject to contentious and partisan reexamination. Wherever you are disposed to come out on the WMD issue, it's instructive to recall that Wilson and FDR were less than candid, might it be said, about the prospect of U.S. involvement in then extant European food fights.

Now, you'd swear George Bush was the first president in history ever to have made statements that later proved to be inaccurate or made an judgment call based on other than sworn affidavits.

The left today act and during the time of Vietnam acted as though wars can be fought with the precision of laser eye surgery. No war is anything less than a barbaric blood bath in which civilized and uncivilized men do uncivilized things to each other and lots of innocent people nearby. Given the perfection of artillery and aerial bombardment, the well known propensity of our present foes to fight from among the civilian population, the bad manners of our enemies not to wear identifying uniforms, the extreme difficulty of urban warfare, and human imperfection, any modern war is going to be a clumsy slaughter.

If anything, collateral deaths as a result of U.S. action are probably far, far less than what they might be due to precision weapons and, of course, extreme troop caution about the death of innocents.

Not that Mr. Murtha knows this. Let any sparrow fall in Basra or Fallujah and it's time to smear the military as being bird murderers.

Back to 1975: assuming the press as a whole distinguished itself during the Vietnam war, it revealed its liberal bias by failing to report on the ghastly experience of the South Vietnamese and Cambodians after the U.S. left.[3] In those areas -- as in every other facet of the monstrous history of communism in the 20th century – the press failed utterly to report the extent and the brutality of the killing, torture, and oppression that was the very essence of every nation under communism.

To the contrary, the press was a willing mouthpiece for the dippy anti-anti-communist peace-at-any-price crowd that did its best to frustrate an strong defense against the Soviet, Chinese, and Western Hemisphere thugs, killers, and madmen.

For that, the press is entitled to no respect at all.

Even at this late date, with the starkest of evidence available of the barbarity and aggresiveness of the jihadis, the press persists in its aim to delegitimize what is a brave and generous effort by our troops and George Bush to carry the war to the doorstep of the enemy.

Lack of absolute perfection in the execution of our national goals aside, that effort is chewing up the foreign scum who have flooded into Iraq at a prodigious rate.

Apparently, to the left, that's some kind of a problem.

[1] Vietnam, Watergate and Rove." By Michael Barone, Wall Street Journal, 6/16/06.
[2] Frank Snepp in his Decent Interval, Random House (1977), made a convincing case that the U.S. had indeed won the war on the ground only to have the U.S. Congress snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Such was hardly the case made by the press at the time, which, after 1975, seemed positively to relish the U.S. military "defeat." Hence our hesitation to concede the fairness of the press during the war itself.
[3] A notable exception was Elizabeth Becker, a reporter for the Washington Post. She wrote an excellent account of the Khmer Rouge madness in When the War Was over: Cambodia and the Khmer Rouge Revolution. Public Affairs, 1986..


Muslim male panic -- IV: Control over women as raison d'être of Islam.

These are some pretty pointed observations about Islam:
If Muslim men were to lose the actual control their society and culture exercises over women, it would undermine much of the reason to be a Muslim.

* * * *

We now live in a time when fundamentalist elements of the Islamic population are waging a worldwide terror war to preserve seventh century sexual traditions of a fringe culture and laws set down by a man whose own sex life must surely astonish and even appall any Muslim who examines it. When it comes to sex, the Islamic holy war is being fought in the name of a man who did not feel restrained by the rules of his own era.

Many Muslims look upon the West with an arrogant sense of moral superiority. It’s not that Western behavior is anything to brag about, but it surely isn’t a good reason for which to be killed either.
We would amend the last sentence to read:

It’s not that Western behavior is anything to brag about, but what is Muslim culture about except oppression of women, killing non-Muslims, and total artistic, scientific, and economic stagnation?

And the winner is . . . ?
Who wouldn't take sleazy but vibrant and free Western culture over that any day?

Speaking of B movies, Lord but we miss Golan and Globus. They were saints, we tell you. SAINTS!

"Islam, Sex, and the Terror War." By Alan Caruba, National Anxiety Center, 10/04.

Islamic vandalism and desecration: Azerbaijan.

"Azerbaijan 'flattened' sacred Armenian site ." By Stephen Castle, The Independent, 5/30/06 <-- CAGE.

Plus ça change.

It's always exhilarating when one finds a famous poet saying something sensible about politics.

Nowadays, that sort of person seems to be either a twink or someone determined to undermine any manner of sensible national undertakings, such as, for example, the U.S. effort to prevail in a grim and deadly contest with Fuligo septica jihadi barbatus.

George's and Dick's Excellent Adventure.

Even avenging the death of thousands of our countrymen seems a debatable goal to the most sensitive and aware souls among us. (Personally, the Colonel relishes the thought of vengeance, something that we just thought you'd be dying to know.)

The "Bush lied, people died" proposition has attained the status of a Firm Belief amongst undergraduate art historians and graduate comparative feminism students in a way that "He lied, he got laid" never did.

Truly enlightened people today show an endless fascination with the line-by-line analysis of documents illuminating the state of pre-war intelligence on Iraqi WMD and find in them nought but the foulest Texas Treachery. A similar fascination was not in evidence when it came to facts surrounding financial assistance provided to William Jefferson Clinton by Chinese bankers and pimps and to Hillary Rodham Clinton through the friendly manipulation of commodity shares trade times.

Rep. Murtha's determination to deliver to Al Jazeera all manner of lurid and as-yet-unproved allegations against certain of our U.S. forces – which happen presently to be in the field -- is nothing short of a personal and political disgrace. His fellow Democrats still experience a late-spring torpor when they might do something to rein in this odious compatriot.

Why state the obvious any more? The desperation to get their hands on the boodle regain lost political dominance drives the Democrats to ever greater excess, heedless of any cost.

Just read this delicious description of the Democrats of yore and axe yourself if it just doesn't have an eerily contemporary ring to it:

Walt Whitman once described a typical Democratic National Convention as “the meanest kind of ... pimps, malignant conspirators, murderers, fancy-men, customhouse clerks, contractors, kept-editors, spaniels, well-train’d to carry and fetch, jobbers, infidels, disunionists, terrorists, mail-riflers, … creatures of the President, creatures of would-be Presidents, spies, bribers, compromisers … and born freedom-sellers of the earth.”
Now . . . is that cool, or what?

"Machiavellian Realism." By J. R. Nyquist, Financial Sense Online, 6/9/06.

Kaleidoscopic Islam.

We thought of working "shuck and jive" into our post title but that's more applicable to the second guy we mention.

The first gentleman just highlights the abject confusion lurking in the sharia and the minds of its interpreters. He's said to be a "moderate" and a "very influential Islamic cleric" and is the head, mind you, of the European Council for Fatwa and Research.

Check out what he has to say on a point of Islamic law.

The Full Monte:

Interviewer: How should a homosexual or a lesbian be punished? We mentioned the story of the people of Sodom and how Allah punished them, but how should someone who commits this abomination be punished today?

Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi: The same punishment as any sexual pervert - the same as the fornicator. [Okay!!!]

* * * *

The schools of thought disagree about the punishment. Some say they should be punished like fornicators, and then we distinguish between married and unmarried men, and between married and unmarried women. Some say both should be punished the same way. Some say we should throw them from a high place, like God did with the people of Sodom. Some say we should burn them, and so on. There is disagreement. [If only Allah could have been clearer on this.]
~~ Sheik Yusuf al-Qaradawi.[1]

Imagine what the sharia requires for simply being a smart ass. An offense quite easily morphable into idolatry, heresy, or apostasy, we rather suspect.

Conclusion: Muslim law may be many things but one thing it is not is consistent or predictable.

On the issue of punishment of homosexuals and lesbians (some kind of non-homosexual phenomenon. apparently) every one of the "schools" of Islamic thought has a different take.

This is much like having different concepts of "burglary," "child endangerment," or "forgery," for example. In Missoula, Mont., adultery could be having sex with the nine-year-old wife of another man; but in Plains, Ga., it could be looking at a woman with lust in your heart. Beating your wife could be a felony in Albany, N.Y., but a religious duty in Charleston, S.C.

All veryyy slippery in the conceptual department.

And good luck finding any of these schools' doctrines authoritatively written down anywhere in a central location. What may or may not be an offense under the sharia is something that will be decided ad hoc depending on the politics of the moment, with special emphasis on maintaining the clerical lock on the ummah at all costs.

Forget having the rule of law where the beginning point of any proceeding that invokes the power of the state to sanction or coerce is reference to written consitutional, statutory, or case law that is not changeable at the whim of individual priests.

Jerry Falwell, a current honored resident in the leftists pantheon of demons, doesn't get to change the definition of or punishment for sodomy in the United States because he feels like it.

Or add "blasphemy" to the criminal code, for that matter.

However . . ., if you're just an ordinary Muslim without imamical credentials you can execute someone if YOU think they've been "blaspheming." Killing for alleged blasphemy is also a great way to settle personal scores, as appears to be the case in the link just displayed. In Islam, apparently, every believer carries the turban of an imam in his knapsack.

Rule of thumb no. 1: # of imams in Vienna, Jakarta, the N.Y. state correctional system, and Gitmo Jihadi Vacation Resort = # of different interpretations of sharia.

Extra, extra conclusion: You never, ever, ever want to let these guys issue a fatwa about you or interpret the warranty on your stereo.

Oh, and also at Little Green Footballs, check out this joker CAIR spokesman who ducks and weaves all over the place on whether he wants sharia in the U.S. In the process he comes up with some 180 proof hogwash and yet more hogwash about the compatibility of Islam and democracy and how we need to live by our ideals, such as that all men are created equal.

Yup. That's the first thing we think about when we axe ourselves, "Col. Bunny! What are the ideals that Islam and democracy have in common?"

And our answer is, "Why, one would be that all men are created equal!"

Yes, it is.

Sharia, you will also learn, is about preserving the sanctity of life, [wealth?], and honor.

This, sports fans, is a man with something to hide.

[1] "Al-Qaradawi: Kerry Was Supported by Homosexuals and Nudists." Little Green Footballs, 6/16/06 <-- MEMRI.

We are simply not goint to touch the nudist deal. At least Imam Al-Qaradawi had the decency not to say that Kerry was supported by homosexuals and liberals.

June 15, 2006

Generous but naive experiment.

We appreciatively pass on yet more insight from Michael Bates, someone who deserves a wide audience. Check out what he has to say on the economic naivete of (gasp) media opinion leaders:

Miss [Oprah] Winfrey knows from personal experience that there aren’t uncomplicated solutions to poverty. A decade ago, she generously pledged a great deal of money to a program intended to help 100 families living in public housing get off public aid. There were 1,600 people who applied. Two years and $1.3 million (more than half from Oprah) later, a grand total of three families succeeded in getting out of public housing.
Some as yet undiscovered defect of the capitalist, free enterprise system is surely to blame.


We've got it. Not enough money was spent to help these poor people improve themselves.

Or . . . could it be a poverty of the spirit that is causing the difficulties here?

"Oprah blends confusion with compassion." By Michael M. Bates, Oak Lawn Reporter, 4/20/06.

Canadian health care system: unspeedy treatment.

Economist David Henderson, who grew up in Canada, once remarked that it has the best health-care system in the world -- if you have only a cold and you're willing to wait in your family doctor's office for three hours. But some patients have more than a simple cold -- and the long waits they must endure before they get access to various diagnostic tests and medical procedures have been documented for years. Montreal businessman George Zeliotis, for example, faced a year-long wait for a hip replacement.
"Where Would You Rather Be Sick?" By David Gratzer, Wall Street Journal Online, 6/15/06 (subscription).

Dreaded "M" word.

Michael M. Bates explores blinding liberal originality in verbally skewering misguided normal people . . . .

"The ultimate epithet in the liberal lexicon." By Michael M. Bates, Oak Lawn Reporter, 6/15/06 <-- OpinionEditorials.com.

Forward to . . . something or other!

I'm even hard put to say what our agenda will be when we win . . . .

~~ Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Cal.), House Minority leader.
"Pelosi: It’s definition time for Democrats." By Josephine Hearn, The Hill, 6/14/06 <-- WSJ Opinion Journal.

June 14, 2006

Islam's consistent hostility to infidels.

And, so, now just stick our head back in the sand?

They have wherever they could, whenever the wherewithal presented itself and the enemy was sufficiently weak, acted upon those [Muslim] beliefs. And (what is still more interesting) they have everywhere behaved in remarkably similar ways toward the various non-Muslims conquered and subjugated, whether they were Christians in Arabia or Syria or Mesopotamia or Egypt or Tripolitania, or Jews in Israel and Mesopotamia or Arabia, or Zoroastrians in Sassanian Persia, or Hindus and Jains in Hindustan and the East Indies, or Buddhists in Central Asia, in India, in the East Indies. Everywhere the treatment has been remarkably similar, or perhaps not remarkably, because the texts, the tafasir, the understandings have been, when it comes to Jihad and to Infidels, very much the same.

~~Jihad Watch Board Vice President Hugh Fitzgerald.
"Fitzgerald: Is knowledge of Arabic really essential?" Robert Spencer, Jihad Watch, 6/14/06 (emphasis added).

Too sweet a dream.

Don't you wish that on the day after the Twin Towers went down, Bush met with scholars and asked a zillion questions, then spoke to the nation on the implications of Islam worldwide, and the implications of the growing Muslim population in the West?

It seems too much to ask that a president would go on TV and speak of the belief system and the history. ("This might turn out to be the third jihad. We need to respond with skill and for a long, long time.")

Instead, we had the ceremony at the National Cathedral, where the Muslim cleric was presented as the equal of the rest.
Comment on Jihad Watch by Stillbreathing, 6/14/06.


More oil than Saudi Arabia!

File this in the "We report, you decide" category.

We read this year that there are enormous reserves of natural gas in the rock of the Permian Basin. This is extractable by a high pressure water technique devised by some small enterprises. This too was a large energy source of which we had not heard.

How Mr. Moore concluded that the continental shelf contains so much oil we don't know.

When one considers that no new refinery has been built in 20 years, no new nuclear power plant has been built in 20+ years, and the environmentalists have been so duplicitous about the effects of drilling in the ANWR, it is inherently reasonable to assume that a vastly distorted picture of our energy reserves is what has been presented.

The sheer demagoguery over high gas prices in the short period of the current run up in prices is similarly instructive. Truth will invariably take a back seat to demagoguery where energy is concerned.

One of the things that--when you hear Hillary Clinton talking about, Why are we facing these high gasoline prices?, one of the things the Republicans should be saying is, look, for 20 years we've been trying to drill oil from Alaska, which is the largest untapped reserve in America. Democrats and some Republicans have consistently blocked that. They have blocked drilling in the outer continental shelf, where we have more oil available than Saudi Arabia has. So if you can't produce oil, guess what, folks? You're going to have higher prices.

~~ Steve Moore
"Misplaced Priorities. Pandering on gas prices, ignoring genocide ." The Journal Editorial Report, 5/1/06 (emphasis added).


The death of those who are killed for the cause of God gives more impetus to the cause, which continues to thrive on their blood.

~~ Sayyed Qutb, 1952.
"A War of Values." Norman Geras, normblog, 6/29/04.


June 11, 2006

The politics of feelings.

See Dr. Sanity's interesting post on John Leo's observations on how the left makes assertions that are not based on fact but on widely shared emotion.

Not only are they not based in fact, they are contrary to fact. The disparity between assertion and fact can be shown time and again without there ever being an end to the assertion. "Who needs proof? Shoot the mad dog!" as the Bolsheviks liked to say.

Before the war with Iraq, one Democratic leader after another declaimed upon the unacceptability of Saddam Hussein's possession of, pursuit of, or tinkering with WMD (see "Reference | Nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons" in sidebar to right).

After the invasion, to a man, it was as though they would never have signed on to the enterprise had they not been deliberately misled by George Bush. Had W in fact not been the sole and exclusive personage to sound the tocsin of WMD in the hands of the Iraqi madman?

Verily. Only he.

Ergo, the absence of WMD in Iraq, post-invasion, can only be explained by the perfidy of one lyin' yella dog.

"Not Anchored to Reality." Dr. Sanity, 6/11/06.

American fighting men – June 4, 1942.

The jihadis seem to forget the capabilities of the American fighting man. They seem to think there is an infinite American capacity for hesitation and doubt.

[O]f the 41 torpedo planes that attacked the [Japanese carriers at Midway], only five returned.
European fighters are excellent as well, when they're not hamstrung by the pansies who run their countries.

Just a thought.

On this point of "pansies" see our "Western Manifesto."

"Today in 1942." By Donald Sensing, One Hand Clapping, 6/4/06.

The backwardness of Col. Bunny.

Is it just us, or does a Hindu woman marrying a snake strike anyone else as a bit odd?

The Colonel gets positively hostile if anyone accuses him of not seeing the intrinsic worth of every human being on the planet. One risks physical assault by Col. Bunny should he (or she) be so unwise as to suggest that white westerners are not the cause of the world's post-colonial ills or that Muslims were the greatest imperialists of all time, including even the Hungs, Romans, Greeks, Mongrels, and Soviets.

But aren't this woman -- and the 2,000 guests who attended her wedding -- giving multiculturalism a bad name? Earlier in 2006, a girl was married off in Bhubaneswar, the groom being a dog in this instance. Wouldn't it have made a lot more sense to go there, marrying Rover, I mean, instead of Calvin the Cobra?

Now don't get us wrong. All beliefs are valid and this woman is most assuredly just a lovely creature, which we know just by virtue of her being a human being. Make no mistake.

But . . ., be honest, is this the time to present this alternative cultural experience to the world? Wouldn't it be better to, well, hold off on this kind of gutsy boundary pushing until narrow minded people are in a more receptive frame of mind?

We are, you know, right smack in the midst of getting used to buggery as a sacrament just now and frankly we need a bit more time to cast aside our loathsome prejudices.

"Charmed woman marries cobra in India." WorldWide Religious News, 6/2/06 <-- FoxNews.

Amen, Brother.

The jihadis are not going to stop just because some people are pansies; they’re only encouraged by weakness.
"The face of jihad, Zarqawi and moonbat hysteria." By Cao, The Wide Awakes, 6/11/06.

Elusive dwellers in the 100-Aker Wood.

Robert Spencer imagines what it would be like to have Muslim leaders who are actually committed to countering jihadism:

I'd like to see an honest public discussion of the elements of the Qur'an and Sunnah that give impetus to violence and fanaticism. I'd like to see American Muslim spokesmen explain how they will specifically address these elements, and teach Muslims to reject them in favor of the principles of the equality of dignity and rights of all people, women as well as men, non-Muslims as well as Muslims. And I'd like to see them follow through on these explanations with real action.
The problem is that to get into any kind of "interpretation" of Islam a Muslim would have to say that the Koran is not the literal word of Allah.

Since it's as much as your life is worth (sic) to avoid being branded a heretic, blasphemer, apostate, or disturber -- terms that are thrown around with abandon by any Muslim worth his salt -- don't hold your breath waiting for these "honest public discussions." The Koran means what it says and the guys who believe this stockpile and use guns, knives, and le plastique.

Our sarcasm is not directed at Mr. Spencer. He has, has he not, proposed the exact indicator by which we might be able to detect the presence of this elusive genus and species, homo islamicus congenialis.

Oh, sure there have been sightings in the 100-Aker Wood with Eyore, Kanga, and the woozels.

Other courageous, thoughtful, non-woods-dwelling Muslims exist who have spoken out. Usually they find it expedient to do so with pseudonyms, from the safety of military bases in Western countries, or while concealing the location of their homes in non-Muslim lands.

Muslim says Quran justified attack in N.C." By Robert Spencer, Jihad Watch, 3/23/06.

Muslim misunderstanders.

Robert Spencer comments on the Muslim guy in North Carolina who drove into a bunch of infidel students to kill as many as he could. We like his concept of "misunderstander" of the Koran. Anybody with any sense can see that it's filled with injunctions to kill the unbelievers, not make friends with them, subjugate them, etc., but the Muslim spinmeisters everywhere just keep peddling the absurdity that the Koran enjoins peace, love, and free parking:

It seems that the Tarheel mujahid "read the Quran's 114 chapters 15 times and found that the Muslim holy book justified the attack." And he did not try to murder UNC students "out of hatred for Americans, but out of love for Allah instead."

Now, I know where in the Qur'an he could have gotten this idea. . . . . But still we have the President of the United States and the Secretary of State blandly insisting that Islam is a religion of peace. We have the leading American Muslim spokesmen insisting that, in effect, Taheri-azar was completely misreading what is a book of peace and benevolence and tolerance.

There are just too many misunderstanders of Islam . . . all over the world for this position to be maintained. Yet three and a half years after Muhammad Atta and his crew flew a plane into the World Trade Center out of love for Allah, we still don't see any sustained or concerted effort by Muslims here or anywhere else to disabuse their coreligionists of the jihad ideology.
"Muslim says Quran justified attack in N.C." By Robert Spencer, Jihad Watch, 3/23/06 (emphasis added).

The Muslim urge to dominate and suppress other religions.

I.e., dominate and suppress everyone else.

More evidence, if ever you needed it at this point, of Islamic religious intolerance and disingenuous interpretation of the law, this time in Malaysia.

The Muslims in Malaysia are bulldozing Hindu temples and a mob of 500 Muslims even disrupted a forum on "the rights of religious minorities against encroachment by Islamic Shariah laws."

Catholics got a permit to build a new church in one place after a mere 30 years of effort.

Take this is irrefutable proof that Muslims cannot live side by side with other people. Not in Malaysia, as is crystal clear. And, who can doubt, everywhere else in the world. In Egypt, mob prevented Christians from turning a private home into a church. And see our earlier post about "Authentic Islam," a chilling account of Muslim killings of Christians in Lebanon.

See also our, "The Ancient War."

Anything that Muslims say about tolerance and mutual respect simply cannot be trusted.

"Malaysia: Temple Demolitions Spell Creeping Islamisation." By Robert Spencer, Dhimmi Watch, 6/9/06.

June 10, 2006

Women with al-Zarqawi -- intelligence operatives.

Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki reported that two women among the seven people killed with al-Zaqawi were intelligence agents working for the headquarters cell of al-Qaida.

Theoretically this should foreclose any whining from the liberals about "collateral damage." After all, al-Zarqawi would be considered by any rational person to be a certified bullet or missile magnet and surely no one would hang around that schmutznik for @%$^# dance lessons, would they?

Also one of the dead was a kid, but keeping your kid with you when hanging out with America's Most Wanted Lunatic like al-Zarqawi would merit a visit from Family Services in any normal environment, and probably confiscation of one's battle burkah, handguns and personal dynamite belt.

Let's see how this Agent 88 tidbit plays out in the opposition media. The womens' deaths will have to be played as a negative somehow. You know it must.

Iraq the Model, 6/8/06.

The Rubes and the Righteous.

We discussed (in Liberal moral superiority) the ideas of Ace of Spades and Dr. Sanity about liberals' belief in their intellectual and moral superiority.

BlooInBloo, on DemocraticUnderground.com, pretty much drives the point home about those superior libs:

"Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe." (H.G. Wells)

That is to say:

Stupid citizens [the uneducated] -> catastrophic governance [by our political opponents] -> stupid citizens [the uneducated] -> ....

The GOP has a vested interest in minimizing the quality of US education, and generally making people [who disagree with us] as stupid as possible. They know perfectly well that republicans [sic] won't be elected by an intelligent electorate [hint: us].

It's now gotten so far, the people are so dumb [unlike us], that they [Red Staters] willingly participate in the election of more "catastrophic governance" people [e.g., Shrub], and willingly participate in their own stupidity.

Breaking this chicken-egg cycle is the REAL challenge [for certain enlightened people], I think.
"Google "quote of the day" captures the essence of America's problems..." DemocraticUnderground.com, 6/10/06.

Oh, the horror!

Check out very funny comments to an NBC reports that U.S. troops beat al Zarqawi before he died: Free Republic, 6/10/06.

Hyperbole alert: pure evil.

As a public service, Intergalactic Source of Truth alerts you to yet one more danger in the northern tier:

I also hate American cars. . . . That car reviewer who works for the LA Times was dead on right when he said Detroit was nothing but pure evil.
You have to love invisible hand's comment.

"American cars." By gecole.

Farrakhan and Belafonte; daylight come and nobody home.

There was a 2006 National Black Peoples Unity Convention back in March.

Louis Farrakhan, some kind of a luminary in the Nation of Islam, a loopy but poisonous flea market jumble of ideas about Islam, alien abduction, crop circles, and White Perfidy, had this to say:

Black people all over America and all over the world, there is something wrong with the way we have been trained in a white supremacist, racist environment.
Mr. Farrakhan omitted any comment on the collapse of the black family and the persistence of opposition among black students to "thinking white." See, for example, our post about an African American's dismay at answers from young blacks to his question about their career goals.

Better examples exist. Check with Bill Cosby for starters. He's probably another race traitor in the eyes of Mr. Farrakhan.

Singer Harry Belafonte "repeated criticisms of Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and other black members of the Bush administration, who he said had not publicly questioned White House decisions in the war in Iraq or policies that have hurt the poor."

He then stated:

It means nothing to me if they are black if they are dishonorable.
Nothing like having the freedom to turn differences of political opinion into proof of a character defect.

"Belafonte, Farrakhan speak at Gary gathering." Associated Press, 3/11/06 <-- Free Republic.

Ken Starr, poodle, and other matters.

We have long suspected Ken Starr of deliberate misdirection for pursuing Bill Clinton's cavortations with Monica Lewinsky and ignoring the really bone chilling abuses perpetrated by Bill, Hillary, and Craig Livingstone.

The "investigation" into the death of Vince Foster was nothing less than a scramble to overlook and misinterpret evidence that he did not die by his own hand.

Whatever Starr was investigating it seemed to have little to do with the objective of getting to the bottom of "Clintongate," which was a far more sinister phenomenon than the moniker suggests. A White House lawyer dies, a close associate of his is gunned down afterwards in Arkansas, a Little Rock lawyer with video of Clinton visiting Jennifer Flowers is severely beaten, Chinese with mob and Chicom intelligence connections dispense money in and around the White House and first Clinton presidential campaign, and women of his acquaintance, shall we say, are, for example, "threatened, their pets killed, and nails driven into their car tires."

There was much, much more. If you're interested, start here: The Clinton Scandals and America's Dreyfus Affair. The Case of the Death of Vince Foster.

A piece by Roger Aronoff reminded us of our fascination with the way things went down in the Glory Days of the Clinton presidency. The Official Verdict appears to be that all that is history of the most ancient sort. Probably the establishment and MSM dedication to that proposition has much to do with the fact that Clinton's modus operandi focused too much attention on how other luminaries go about their business.

Similarly, the half life of the 1989 Craig Spence call boy scandal in Washington, you will recall, was about two weeks, given the bipartisan, universal, All Union, blessed-by-the-Pope, three-alarm rush to hush the involvement of high, high officials and the clear evidence of involvement of the Japanese LDP in a probable blackmail operation targeting the American political elite.

Ah, yes. It all points out the amazing thermal layer between the Official Version of history and Persistent Inconvenient Memory below in the murk of the notion ocean.

Anyhoo . . . Mr. Aronoff touches on the strange, strange misdirection aspect of the investigation of Clinton:

That so-called conspiracy impeached Clinton for the wrong reasons. There were far worse crimes than lying under oath and obstructing justice in the Lewinsky case. Charges could have included abuses of power such as Filegate (the unlawful acquisition and misuse of FBI files of his political opponents), Travelgate (the use of the IRS and FBI to harass and prosecute innocent people in order to put his cronies in the White House Travel Office), and paying hush money to Webb Hubbell, his associate attorney general who went to jail and was willing to "roll over one more time" after collecting $700,000 in fees that he didn't earn.
"Rupert and Hillary." By Roger Aronoff, Accuracy in Media Media Monitor, 6/6/06.

June 9, 2006

Zimbabwe Inflation, Highest In World, Approaches 1,200%.

But the good news is that Ian Smith and those pestiferous white people are not around to oppress blacks in Zimbabwe any more.

"Zimbabwe Inflation, Highest In World, Approaches 1,200% in May." Mensnewsdaily.com, 6/8/06.


Unfortunately, the Colonel's exposure to economic reality is limited to the monthly contemplation of his credit card bill.

That said, we too don't doubt the willingness of politicians to appeal to the basest impulses of the population. (The Colonel is second to none in his enjoyment of having his basest impulses stimulated, by the way.)

The demagoguery of Mugabe beggars the imagination (an expression we just coined). However, when a pound of chicken comes to cost Z$1 million we figure that the prognosis for the responsible government is Not Good. (Code Red!) When it gets to that point, don't even demagogues lose their credibility? (Or is it "loose" these days?)

Personally, I'd bet the ranch that Mugabe tries to lay the Troubles of the Nation at the doorstep of British Imperialism. Minister Farrakhan seems to get similar mileage out of White Supremacy.

A Fraternity of Swine.

A real African American on being black and thinking white.

Check out Independent Conservative's piece about Culture is a Major Factor in Success or Failure in America.

Listen to the exchange between Neal Boortz and a gentleman from Africa who's been in the U.S. for five years. His income as a pharmacist is over $100,000 p.a. and he speaks of talking to young black Americans and hearing them voice their ambition to be an athlete or a rapper: "Culture is a Major Factor in Success or Failure in America (Audio)." Independent Conservative, 6/3/06.

Letter to Mr. Bush on border enforcement.

Here's our pedestrian response to President Bush's immigration initiatives:

June 9, 2006

Dear Mr. President:

You need to close the border first. Period. Close it.

I disagree strongly with your idea that there must be a comprehensive SIMULTANEOUS solution to our illegal immigration problem. That just allows you to move the focus away from issue of SEALING the border to ILLEGALS.

Why you want to do this I do not understand.

We CAN devise a comprehensive solution but there's NO reason why that can't be put in place over a period of years. I resent it that after 20+ years of Republicrat collusion on the problem of massive illegal immigration you and the Congressional Republicans are trying to jam an amnesty provision and plans for an enormous wave of additional legal immigration down our throats.

Why do you think we will be happy to have our federal elected officials come up with some back-room Rube Goldberg scheme over a few weeks without widespread PUBLIC debate? After all, we are now having to rectify the monumental problems that federal officials created and refuse to acknowledge.

A nation that cannot conceive of its borders as significant physical and ideological boundaries is as neurotic and feckless as an individual who has no sense of boundaries. The border means something immensely important. It is not just something that map makers and surveyor's dream up to occupy their time.

Good job on Iraq. I like your fighting spirit. Now just turn the troops east, west, and south and take care of the real problem.


[The Colonel]

The female and the male defect.

Her question made me remember that the word "idiot" comes from a Greek root meaning private person. Idiocy is the female defect: intent on their private lives, women follow their fate through a darkness deep as that cast by malformed cells in the brain. It is no worse than the male defect, which is lunacy: they are so obsessed by public affairs that they see the world as by moonlight, which shows the outlines of every object but not the details indicative of their nature.
Prologue to Black Lamb and Grey Falcon. A Journey Through Yugoslavia. By Rebecca West, Penguin Books, 1984, p. 3.

Quick summary: Angry Left foreign and domestic views.

At the other extreme we find the cynics, who believe in the innocence of all causes and rulers except those attending their own country, as they believe the wickedness of their own president (provided he is of the opposing party).
"The Torah Of Geopolitics." By J. R. Nyquist, Financial Sense Online, 6/2/06.

June 8, 2006

Major setback in Iraq: U.S. again fails to capture terror head al-Zarqawi.

An increasingly desperate U.S. military has once again failed to achieve one of its major objectives of capturing Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the supposed leader of al Qaeda resistance efforts in Iraq.

Floundering helplessly in its failure to
  1. counter insurgent IED tactics,
  2. institute a functioning representative democratic government after more than three years in Iraq, and
  3. reconcile historic Kurdish, Shia and Sunni ethnic, religious, and economic differences,
the U.S. military command made the morally questionable decision to attack an occupied residence. The residence is within easy driving distance of nearby residences occupied by innocent Iraqi babies, school children, nursing mothers, day care centers, bomb making factories, senior citizens, household pets, and UNESCO-designated cultural sites.

U.S. pilots launched at least one bomb into the residence without knowing for sure that Mr. al-Zarqawi was even present or even if he was in fact guilty of "terrorism" as alleged by U.S. officials. Some knowledgeable sources in the U.S. question if this action violates the well known proscription of assassination and the United Nations Convention on Human Rights. Church leaders also raised questions whether all alternatives for conciliation and cross cultural understanding were adequately explored by U.S. commanders.

The bomb was launched by sleep-deprived U.S. pilots who, it should be noted, had not recently been checked for illegal drug use. Moreover, they took this action based on information provided by only 35 informants that Mr. al-Zarqawi was supposedly present in the residence. Sources say this is indicative of a pattern of desperate U.S. reliance on questionable intelligence to give them credibility in a fight whose justification is increasingly questioned by college professors both in the U.S. and such nations in Europe as Monaco, Andorra, and Lichtenstein.

The U.S. action underscores the failure of President Bush to locate and capture Osama bin Laden. The continued inability of the President to locate Mr. bin Laden raises additional questions about whether Mr. bin Laden is dead it basically suits the President's partisan domestic political purposes not to locate him.

Guard the Borders blogburst: Reconquista rubbish.

Foreword by Heidi at Euphoric Reality

From Spanish-speaking illegal workers, to angry tenured professors and arrogant politicians, we are hearing more and more tenets and demands from a movement called Reconquista. The movement, once dismissed as extreme racist rhetoric, has rapidly gained traction and momentum among millions of ill-educated illegal aliens and well-established Mexicans alike. Reconquista gives voice to the angry demands of present-day Mexicans who mistakenly think they have indigenous rights to the land of the Southwestern United States - which they claim was "stolen" by an imperialist American government. The centerpiece of their agenda is the mythical Aztlan.

In the spirit of a new people that is conscious not only of its proud historical heritage but also of the brutal "gringo" invasion of our territories, we, the Chicano inhabitants and civilizers of the northern land of Aztlan from whence came our forefathers, reclaiming the land of their birth and consecrating the determination of our people of the sun, declare that the call of our blood is our power, our responsibility, and our inevitable destiny.
"From whence came our forefathers...?" Nothing could be further from the truth - not that the facts matter much in their efforts to further "La Raza" - or The Race. Using racially-charged arguments to batter at the traditional guilt mentality of Americans, proponents of Aztlan aim to "reconquer" the Southwestern United States as their due. Apparently, they fail to understand that the tribes of present-day Mexico never inhabited the Southwest U.S., nor for the most part did Mexicans themselves - it was mostly open land [frontier] except for northern Native Americans (as you will see below).

A manifest destiny has been embraced by many within mainstreamed advocacy groups in America such as La Raza, LULAC, and most commonly MECHa, the radical student organization which has specifically embraced the tenets of Atzlan. "Por La Raza todo, Fuera de La Raza nada," is translated as "For the Race, everything, for those outside of the Race, nothing." Though that singular statement seems to sum up the demands of today's angry illegal Mexican aliens, there is much more to their Plan to restore Aztlan:

Aztlan belongs to those who plant the seeds, water the fields, and gather the crops and not to the foreign Europeans. We do not recognize capricious frontiers on the bronze continent[.]

Love for our brothers makes us a people whose time has come and who struggles against the foreigner "gabacho" who exploits our riches and destroys our culture ... Economic control of our lives and our communities can only come about by driving the exploiter out of our communities, our pueblos, and our lands and by controlling and developing our own talents, sweat, and resources.

Education must be relative to our people, i.e., history, culture, bilingual education, contributions, etc.

Self-defense of the community must rely on the combined strength of the people ... For the very young there will no longer be acts of juvenile delinquency, but revolutionary acts.

A nation autonomous and free - culturally, socially, economically, and politically- will make its own decisions on the usage of our lands, the taxation of our goods, the utilization of our bodies for war, the determination of justice (reward and punishment), and the profit of our sweat.
So there is a Plan for Reconquista. But do these emotional and racial claims have any historical basis?

Clearing Up A Misconception About Reconquista
by Loma Alta


Spain conquered what was to become modern Mexico and part of the southwestern United States in 1521. Spanish rule lasted 300 years until 1821 when Mexico gained independence. Mexico ruled what is now part of the southwestern United States for a very, very short time. Mexico ruled Texas from 1821 until 1836, some 16 years. Mexico ruled California from 1821 until 1846, 26 years. Mexico ruled most of New Mexico from 1821 until 1848, 28 years, and the southern most portions of Arizona and New Mexico until purchased by the United States in 1853, 33 years. The United States began ownership of these territories in 1845 (Texas), 1846 (California), and 1848-1853 (New Mexico and Arizona). Thus the United States has owned this land since 1845-1853, 153-162 years.

The ownership has thus been: Spanish 1521-1821 or 300 years; Mexican 1821-36 to 1853 or 16 to 33 years; and American 1845-1853 or 154 to 162 years. Almost all development and modernization came under United States ownership. Please see Spain, Mexico, Texas, California, and New Mexico-Arizona for more details.

Comparison of Ownership Time and Development.

Spain owned the area for 300 years and operated it as a colony. The central area, and most developed part was around Mexico City with much of the current southwestern United States being the frontier, relatively undeveloped, and subject to Indian raids and predations. The situation was much the same in the very, very short period, 16-33 years, of Mexican ownership. With the United States ownership, 154 to 162 years, beginning as territories, exploration and development proceeded rapidly and modern civilization came with, or shortly after, statehood.

The Absurdity of Reconquista.

Whether by time of ownership or degree of development and civilization, Mexico had virtually no temporal or civil weight of authority in the southwestern United States. Mexico never really established military or civil control over the area and it was never really a normal part of Mexico, but was always the frontier with vast expanses of nearly unexplored and lightly inhabited regions far from Mexican rule and authority. So tenuous, unpopular, and corrupt was Mexico’s presence and claim to the areas, and the Mexican government so hated by American and Mexican pioneers alike, that they only lasted from 16 to 33 years.

Thus, Reconquista is another myth, promulgated for racist reasons (it is the spawn of Mexican supremacist groups such as La Raza - literally “the Race”) much as the Germans’ “Lebensraum”, or living space, was for the master race. And, Reconquista is equally racist and equally the deranged product of irrational hate groups.

Therefore, we can dismiss the concept of “Reconquista” as a racist, hate group concept that has no place in America, or in any other just and tolerant society or country. There is no need to give any credence whatsoever to the false and meritless claims of any moral attachment to territory by radical, racist groups. They are as phony as last year's bird's nest.


This has been a production of the Guard the Borders Blogburst. It is syndicated by Euphoric Reality, and serves to keep immigration issues in the forefront of our minds as we’re going about our daily lives and continuing to fight the war on terror. If you are concerned with the trend of illegal immigration in our country, join the Blogburst! Send an email with your blog name and url to euphoricrealitynet at gmail dot com.