April 4, 2007

Our enemies control us.

All this repetitive tripe [our debased public discourse] is trotted out as if this nation has any control of the future left to it. It doesn't. Our enemies control our future, because we simply will not. . . .

Simply sampling a soupcon of a day's worth of the clotted blather coming from the left, the right, the center, or the stupid -- now all firmly ensconced in the Congress and the White House -- proves only by the endless rounds of "gotcha," that not only does the nation no longer have any control over itself, many of its citizens have no control over themselves as well.
We have no doubt that there are millions of Americans who would respond to principled leadership.


Sorry. We got carried away there.

For another glimpse of the problems we are failing to face see this from the ever prescient J.R. Nyquist:
The true cause of wars and revolutions may be found in private habits of spending and borrowing. The ultimate consequences of private behavior may be observed in political upheavals and military disasters. . . . [V]ices are not embraced as vices. They are seen as "progressive" and "enlightened." According to [Guglielmo Ferrero, author of The Greatness and Decline of Rome and Characters and Events of Roman History], "Modern civilization has made it a duty for each one to spend, to enjoy, to waste as much as he can, without any disturbing thought as to the ultimate consequences of what he does. The world is so rich, population grows so rapidly, civilization is armed with so much knowledge … that today we are able to laugh at the timid prudence of our forefathers…."

But how much longer will we laugh?
[1] "While America Blathered." American Digest, 3/29/07.
[2] "The Multiplication of Wants." By J.R. Nyquist, Financial Sense Online, 3/16/07. Mr. Nyquist writes extensively on our financial sins and our failure to focus on our real enemies.

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