April 4, 2007

That unique Muslim contribution -- VIII.

Talk about creating a "climate of hate":
Prosecutors in the northern Italian city of Turin were scheduled to start investigating on Tuesday footage of an imam at the local Cottolengo mosque, Mohammed Kohalia, calling on Muslims to hate Christians and Jews and praying for their death. "The Prophet has said that the extremists [Jews and Christians] will be destroyed," the cleric is heard as saying in footage secretly filmed by a journalist. "Allah should kill the polytheists." Kohalia has denied making those statements.

The DVD portraying Kohaila's sermon was filmed with a hidden camera by a faithful attending the prayers on behalf of a news programme on state broadcaster RAI's second channel, Annozero. Only part of the footage was broadcast last Thursday while the remaining 40 minutes containing the harshest threats against Christians and Jews could reportedly be shown later this week.

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In the video, Kohaila says that "no compromise can be reached with atheists, they must be killed, full stop."

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Kohaila's predecessor, Bouriqi Boutcha of Morocco, was expelled from Italy in 2004 on suspicion he was linked to Islamic militants.
This weasel ought to be on a rocket sled to Morocco NLT sundown but we predict mostly principled and thoughtful thumb sucking.

What we need are special laws that apply only to Muslims. Preach death for apostasy or simply for being an infidel? Preach that Allah sanctions it? Instant deportation, if non-citizen. Prosecution and jail under the criminal law aided by a defensive and realistic interpretation of the First Amendment's "clear and present danger" test.

For starters.

Is there any doubt that Muslims come preloaded with a baseless sense of entitlement, the desire to live separate lives, the desire for special privileges for themselves, and the intention to subvert non-Muslim cultures in which they live?

No other human grouping has such a bizarre and unjustified sense of its own superiority. Sikhs fly the Union Jack on English national holidays. Jamaicans gladly fit into English society. Nigerians decry the English failure to protect their own heritage.

But not the Muslims. They are special and wherever they go, the waves must part for their scented Birkenstocks.

Cretins like Kohaila are found wherever you can find a mosque, we hazard a guess, and if it's a Wahhabi-sponsored mosque, it's a certainty.

The presence of this Muslim in Italy is such a gift to Italians, don't you think? Such a contribution . . . of that special kind our series highlights!

"Italy: Prosecutors to Probe Imam's Alleged 'Death To Christians' Call." AKI, 4/3/07 (emphasis added) <-- DhimmiWatch. We spare you the remarks of the "holy" man on women quoted in the article, which are choice . . . and standard issue.

Contribution VII.

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