I highly recommend Dymphna's letter to the President.
Would that it would have any effect.
I have written before on the bogus "necessity" for comprehensive reform when the necessity is for something else entirely, viz., border closure. That, however, is a non-subject in American politics.
I have also suggested that we as a nation are in the firm grip of various rank fairy tales.
The backdrop to Dymphna's request to the president is, thus, outright lying and a firm national commitment to self-delusion.
So . . . Mr. Bush, at this late, late stage of his administration will address a bunch of Muslims at the Washington Islamic Center, where Dymphna hopes will issue forth a speech with more than platitudes about the problems of Islam.
Col. Bunny expects nothing but platitudes.
I long ago came to revere the common sense inherent in the great observation, "People usually are the way they usually are." Hence, expect the President to talk about the grand religious heritage of our great civilizations, the numberless millions of men of good will on both side, and the commitment to peace and understanding on the part of all children still not back from recess.
Doubtless, I expect there to be a mention of the immense part that women play in both our cultures and, what else?, the great debt we owe to Muslim scholars and rulers for the Muslim contributions to mathematics, astronomy, female subjugation, rape, murder, and defilement of Christians and Christian places of worship wherever Islam metastasized.
No, wait. I got carried away.
. . . contributions to mathematics, astronomy, and the employment of state terror with an eye toward subjugation or murder of all infidels.
No, wait.
Ok, ok.
. . . contributions to mathematics, astronomy, and the invention of pepperoni pizza.
Decades ago, there was once a time when the Saturday Night Live cast found it possible to be hilarious without mention of gastric distress and its symptoms and byproducts. Gilda Radner once delivered a great "commercial" for feminine sanitary products. Holding a box with indistinct labeling, Gilda pushed the product in terms of studied circumlocution, indirection, and daintiness that was simply grand to see and hear. She concluded with the line, "And, folks, you can be sure that this product solves the problem of being without it." Or words to that effect.
Expect Mr. Bush to be as forthright and bold tomorrow.
That's what you should do.
Expect that.
"An Open Letter to President George W. Bush." By Dymphna, Gates of Vienna, 6/26/07.
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