“I do not believe in the fraudulence of Moderate Islam,” wrote Oriana Fallaci. “Islam is the Koran,” she added. “Nothing but the Koran. And the Koran is the Mein Kampf of a religion which has always aimed to eliminate the others.”We'll just see about the eventual outcome of this struggle. The Muslim assumption appears to be that the forebearance of the West is infinite and that slavish adherence to the useless U.N. will forever addle Western brains like galactic Alzheimers.
Here's a plan for solving the Muslim problem in the world: Take over Raghead Heaven in Saudi Arabia and Muslim Terror Central in Iran and Syria. And kick Gaddafi's ass out into the desert. Say . . . with the ferocity and abandon of the Hamas takeover of Gaza, the Syrian elimination of inconvenient Lebanese politicians, Iranian terrorists anywhere, the 19 Saudi hijackers on 9/11, or simply Muslim terrorists of every stripe in every land.
Let's do things their way and just cut the crap about Religion of Peace and "moderate Muslims" and kissing the ass of oil-rich Arabs with ideas that were backward by 633 A.D.
We've paid a huge financial tax and terror tax as a result of having funded Islamic terror through diversion of our petrodollars into Saudi coffers. If sitting on top of hundreds of gallons of petroleum is an unearned benefit that entitles Saudis to tax Westerners unmercifully and hollow out Western economies by buying up Western assets, why not
They are our mortal enemies subverting us as you read these very words. What could be the legal objection to
If these modest suggestions are a little too crisp for you, fine. But let's do something other than delude ourselves about who and what our enemies are. Come up with your own prescription for victory but, please God, let it be something other than what we've been doing so far.
"The Brand of Shame and Infamy." By J.R. Nyquist, Financial Sense Online, 6/17/07 (emphasis added; link omitted).
We like this formulation of the "cut off the head of the snake" approach to foreign policy:
Observe that nearly five years after the terrorist attacks of 9/11—longer than it took to defeat the far more powerful Japanese after Pearl Harbor—the two leading supporters of Islamic Totalitarianism and the majority of their accessories remain intact and visibly operative. Iran is aggressively pursuing nuclear weapons, led by a President who declares that our ally Israel must be “wiped off the map,” and by Mullahs who lead the nation in weekly chants of “Death to America.” Abroad, Iran’s terrorist agents kill American troops in Iraq, while its propagandists attempt to push Iraq into an Islamic theocracy. Saudi Arabia continues to fund schools and institutions around the world that preach hatred of America and advocate Islamic Totalitarianism. Syria remains the headquarters of numerous terrorist organizations and an active supporter of the Iraqi insurgency that is killing American troops. The Palestinian Authority continues a terrorist jihad initiated by Yasser Arafat—a jihad that can be expected only to escalate under the entity’s new leadership by the Islamic Totalitarian group Hamas. Throughout the Arab–Islamic world, “spiritual leaders” and state-owned presses ceaselessly incite attacks against the West without fear of reprisal."How To End The Physical Threat of Islam To The USA." By Ronbo, The Freedom Fighter's Journal, 6/17/07 (emphasis added).
America has done nothing to end the threat posed by Iran and Saudi Arabia, nor by Syria and the Palestinian Authority.
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