August 24, 2007

Cry me a river.

Recently two University of South Florida students, Ahmed Mohamed and Yousef Megahed, were allegedly in possession of incendiary devices according to South Carolina authorities. The students say they were just fireworks.

The reaction from the Council on American Islamic relations?
[Tampa] CAIR spokesman Ahmed Bedier calls the men, in his words, [naïve] and stresses they deserve due process and a fair hearing.
Note that Mr. Bedier invokes legal principles completely foreign to sharia courts but which he cries buckets of tears over when it is to the advantage of Muslims hoping to get out of trouble here in the U.S.

The students may indeed be able to prove their activities were innocent. Halley's Comet should return first.

Be that as it may, it most definitely frosts the Colonel's pumpkin to see Muslims embrace bedrock Western legal principles that they would abolish in short order under any kind of jim jam, nickel-plated, revolving, double-barreled, putrescent caliphate that would make the governance of a tribe of baboons look good by comparison.

"Road Trip Ends with Arrests." By John Sepulvado, WUSF 89.7 News, 8/23/07.

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