March 25, 2008

Black assimilation in America.

"To be black is to be committed to destroying everything this country loves and adores."
~ James Cone, A Black Theology of Liberation (1970).

Cone sees Mr. Obama's Trinity United Church of Christ as the jewel in the crown of black liberation theology. In turn, Cone is much admired at Trinity United Church of Christ. And Union Theological Seminary, in New York, loves Cone.

Of course.

Just how much is this kind of drivel accepted among blacks?

"The black racist God of Black Liberation Theology." By Lawrence Auster, View from the Right, 3/25/08.

H/t Paul K. and


Anonymous said...

Col. Bunny,

As you know I was out of circulation for a couple of weeks -- and when I return to my Bloglines RSS feeder I see you have almost 60 posts since my last visit!!! WOW, I can't read them all.....

Most important you have a virtual compendium of data about Hussein Obama and his "Man" J. Wright, Black Liberation Theology, the hate America rhetoric from his liberal perspective, etc.

Great info -- I appreciate your research and postings of often obscure info about the Liberal "messiah."

In Christ,


Col. B. Bunny said...

I didn't realize it was that many posts, expreacherman. I guess it was a "target rich environment" as they say in the military.

Obama and the TUCC have been a God send, revealing truths about black attitudes that never see the light of day in the MSM. How widespread they are among blacks in a question I am very eager to see answered.

The sheer third-rate quality of Wright's thinking is enough to take your breath away all by itself.

No more going out of circulation like that. The punishment therefor, as you now know, is to have to read 60 of my posts, a possible prima facie human rights violation.