March 26, 2008

Wright in Cuba?

On March 19, 2006, Louis Farrakhan "led a twenty-three member delegation to Havana, Cuba to study disaster relief preparedness."[1]

Wright on the left?
Mr. Farrakhan's web site is a bit vague about who was in his delegation. This picture published at his web site appears to show that the "Rev." Jeremiah Wright, Jr. was part of that delegation. I haven't had that much practice in recognizing Wright but it sure looks like him.

If so, we have Wright accompanying Farrakhan to visit with two or our nation's enemies – Gaddafi and Castro.

[1] "Havana, Cuba Press Conference.", 3/27/06.


JB said...

I don't see Rev. Jeremiah Wright anywhere in that picture but I do see what appears to be a hanging straw vine towards the top right and someone appears to be grasping at that straw. ;-)

Col. B. Bunny said...


I don't see how you can see those vines. I air brushed them all out with my copy of PhotoShop.

I was also going to substitute a picture of Stalin for Castro to make Farrakhan look really bad, but I figured nothing will ever be able to dent that man's credibility.