May 26, 2008

Fragile Islam – episode 40 gazillion.

Islam just can't stand to have even a whisper of competition for the minds of its captive populations.

"Nigeria: Northern Church Survives Arson By Muslims." Compass Direct News, News from the Frontlines of Persecution, 5/16/08.


The Local Malcontent said...

Other than the overall threat of Islam's spread, is the danger that Islam relies upon the unschooled, the illiterate, the ignorant for it's increase (fear).
The signs are many which point to abandonment of foolish Islam, when any education is applied.
All leading to that which you state, Col. Bunny, that Islam cannot stand real examinaiton.
At all.

Col. B. Bunny said...

I've also read that Islam is not the conversion powerhouse that some seem to think it is. The increase in the numbers of the Musselmen is rather due to the higher birthrate among existing ones.

You have to be ignorant and unschooled to tolerate the abysmal intellectual and moral standards of this imperialist creed. As you point out, education goes a long way to opening up some minds.

Plenty of them genuinely enjoy the freedom they find in the West. The key obstacle to ANY kind of progress in the ranks of the Mohammedans is the execrable doctrine of death for apostasy. You and I wouldn't have to bother ourselves for a second about the mind numbing ins and outs of shirk and taqiyah and najis. Those who live with that nonsense could form their own opinion and bail at any time their gag reflex gets the better of them. As it is, they are all imprisoned in that compost heap and daren't wiggle a toe lest the theocrats accuse them of blasphemy, apostasy, or just being a smart ass.