April 8, 2010

Madness not seen since Hitler.

It is madness founded on wishful thinking, utopian visions, and intellectual dishonesty. It is the madness, in short, of "diversity."

Mr. Anfindsen, in his article cited below, argues that a certain amount of diversity in matters of language, culture, religion, and ethnicity is healthy but that too much of it can take society to the point where only very unpleasant measures will reestablish a unity sufficient for civil society.

My post below about the European immigration disaster barely touches on the chilling specifics of the mindless pursuit of diversity. Anfindsen focuses on the West's intellectual troubles.
Interestingly enough, while the public is regularly brainwashed with slogans like “diversity is our strength”, diversity of opinion on issues related to multiculturalism is not always appreciated, to put it mildly. On the contrary, the ruling elite is still putting serious effort into preventing true, profound, rational, and informed discussion of these painful issues.

The result is an intellectually numbing consensus culture that makes sure we all march to the same tune of diversity. Diversity, that is, in those areas where our elites have decided that diversity is A Good Thing, but uniformity, conformity, and political correctness elsewhere. Europe is, simply put, in deep intellectual trouble, which in turn is bound to cause political trouble.
The prosecution of Geert Wilders illustrates the panicked reaction of pro-diversity elites to men who have the backbone to initiate that very discussion of the madness.

Other intelligent people are deeply concerned:
In June 2006 The Sunday Times reported that one of Great Britain’s most experienced military strategists, Rear Admiral Chris Parry, warned that the currently ongoing demographic development represents a threat to the West comparable to what made the Roman Empire collapse. We are simply unable to integrate, much less assimilate, the increasing flow of immigrants that are coming to Europe.
Would this be a clue that Adm. Perry is correct?

At this very moment, Europe is still an intact entity, though it is not possible to say that it is fundamentally intact. The reason it is not fundamentally so is that, like the water around the oft-cited frog in the cook pot, the circumstances of life for native Europeans are becoming daily ever more inhospitable, and no significant force has so far appeared to reverse the trend. Worse, those circumstances and that trend are something that only the bravest of private individuals attempt to confront.
It’s about time we replaced cheap propaganda with serious analysis. Is it the case or not that the above mentioned essential differences are growing out of control in Europe these days? What, if anything, is going to stop this growth? As far as I can tell, this can only come about if we rethink our entire immigration regime, but most of our politicians, as well as large portions of media and academia, seem to vehemently reject any such proposition.

The adherents of the multicultural project seem determined to ensure that their political Titanic continues full steam ahead, no matter what the future cost in terms of human lives and societal breakdown.
As the man said, all courtesy of politicians, academics, and the media. And the clergy.

Forces that historically worked to ensure societal integrity now actively undermine it and the best of our culture and laws are perverted to the same ends.
[“Islamists”] understand perfectly well that our diversity is their strength.
How much longer before we WTFU?

Is that too crude? Or is that crude, but the deliberate destruction of the West is refined?

"The deep crisis of the West." By Ole Jørgen Anfindsen, HonestThinking.org, 5/19/07 (emphasis added).


Unknown said...

This has to be the greatest crime in human history. unfortunately the architects of this up coming travesty will never be called to account for their actions.

Col. B. Bunny said...

Amen to that. Your video of Gerry Adams pandering to the immigrant vote was an eye opener. All part of the same phenom.