June 7, 2010

Our Muslim overlords and their All-American appeasers.

Here’s an excerpt from a truly brilliant piece by Daniel Greenberg. It’s hard to grasp the extent of Saudi penetration of the civilized world but it is far, far more pervasive than any of us can imagine. (Remember Bert Lance’s efforts on behalf of BCCI’s secret purchase of the National Bank of Georgia using Saudi front man, Ghaith Pharaon, at one time Harvard’s only Muslim trustee?[1]) The cancer of liberalism and stateless multinational corporations, inter bleeding alia (the list is long), all played a pivotal part but you can be sure that tolerating the control of vast oil wealth by a vicious and utterly backward people -- and the attendant bestowing of immense wealth on those people -- must surely be the fundamental reasons why the West lost its soul.
The latest round of European denunciations of Israel are nothing more than Western governments acting like proxies of Islam. Which is exactly what they are. And when Muslim immigrants treat European countries as their new colonies, those same governments react by treating them as their new masters, and like good native rulers, they silence all domestic dissent. After all who knows what the masters might do to them, if they spoke up. Who knows. Certainly not them.

The left enjoys accusing America and Europe of colonialism in regard to the Muslim world, but the reality is of course completely backward. How many Westerners are moving to Muslim countries, vs how many Muslims are moving to Western countries. And while Westerners in the Muslim world are expected to abide by the most repressive and sexist laws of the region, Muslims who come to the West bring their own laws with them, and expect us to abide by them. Which means that not only had you better not liquor up in Riyadh, but you had better not do it in parts of Minnesota either. Or anywhere in New York where Muslims decide to open up their mosques.

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The homelands of civilization have become colonies of the Muslim world, accepting and caring for their surplus populations. . . .

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. . . We have not fought a single significant war since Vietnam that was not on behalf of, or intended to benefit Muslims. Not a single one.[2]
Puzzled why we turned on our allies the Serbs and coughed up the abomination that is independent Kosovo? Look no further. We are being colonized and the appeasers in our government -- for years -- have willingly facilitated it. There is a profusion of voices, historical revelations, and penetrating analyses that the earnest student can consider as he or she attempts to make sense of a West that has gone mad. This article, however, should be the centerpiece of one’s understanding.

[1] Dirty Money. BCCI: The Inside Story of the World’s Sleaziest Bank. By Mark Potts, Nicholas Kochan and Robert Whittington, National Press Books, Washington, DC (1992), p. 107.
[2] "How We Became the Proxies of Islam." By Daniel Greenfield, Canada Free Press, 6/6/10. Also posted at Mr. Greenberg’s Sultan Knish blog (with my favorite Obama picture).

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