July 29, 2010

Back to the Future.

Indians assisted with [the British] Empire because it brought them unprecedented order and civility. Indians were no strangers to outside rulers; for eight centuries before the Raj, the sub-continent had been subjected to the plunder and depravity of the Mughals - Muslim rulers who came from as far west as Turkey. Delhi was razed eight times in that period and great pyramids were constructed with the skulls of its inhabitants.

Because Islam permits the enslavement of non-Muslims, Indians were sold across the Islamic world in such quantities that the international price of slaves collapsed. The Afghan mountain range of the Hindu Khush (which translates as the 'Hindu Slaughter') is named after the huge numbers who died there while being marched to the markets of Arabia and Central Asia.

For all the artistic refinement and opulence of India's past rulers - and their poetry, music, and the magnificence of the Taj Mahal are testament to that - they oversaw a period of general barbarism in which the ordinary Indian was no more than a starving chattel.
The noble Muslim heritage. By God, you just have to love the third world and its ways.

Now here’s the $64 question: “In what way is “modern” Islam different from the Islam of those murderous and inhuman rulers in India so long ago?”

Answer: In no way whatsoever.

Only now Muslims possess a great deal of modern weaponry and explosive technology and the technical knowledge and discipline to maintain (perhaps) and use it.

"Britain has no need to make an apology to India for Empire...." By Nirpal Dhaliwal, Daily Mail, 7/29/10.

H/t: "The Iconoclast."

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