July 30, 2010

European Union -- politics over economics.

How fast can you say “limited shelf life” five times in a row?
The dream of a United States of Europe looks increasingly like a nightmare. The project has not worked, because it could not work except by sacrificing the most basic requirements of the modern state: a liberal economy and a liberal polity. In order to create a single economy from radically contrasting components, Europe has sacrificed free-enterprise capitalism to controls, intervention, and swollen spending. In order to create a single state out of incompatible nations, it has sacrificed national democracy to the interests of a new transnational élite.[1]
The underhanded way in which the Treaty of Lisbon was jammed down European throats is but one of the indicators of the E.U.’s contempt for popular sovereignty. Not that the Europeans care to mount any kind of determined opposition to this -- or to the E.U.’s plan to destroy native culture with massive immigration.

Perish the thought.

No. so long as they get theirs, I don’t see that E.U. (or U.S.) populations care that much about the loss of a liberal polity.
But the negative consequences of sacrificing free enterprise will get their attention eventually. Greece, though hardly alone, will be an interesting case to see if that country learns the necessary lessons or if its people will choose to stay lip locked with the socialist succubuses and incubuses.[2]

It’s the underlying affliction of the West in general -- the stupid belief that there can be something for nothing and that no diminution of liberty -- singularly or in the aggregate -- is cause for concern so long as it serves a nice purpose. And no one is discriminated against.

[1] "Europe: What Future?" By Dr. Robin Harris, Heritage Foundation Special Report, 2010, p. 21.
[2] Same-sex demonic carnal relations are ok by me, let me make clear, and demonism is simply one valid lifestyle choice among many.

UPDATE (7/31/10):

Add to bulleted list:
  • Police beating of EDL suspect in custody (breaking arm). Boys will be boys.

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