August 3, 2010

First Amendment un-Islamic.

Moreover, one of the main purposes of the First Amendment is to prohibit the government from establishing a state religion. But the main purpose of Islam is precisely to establish itself as the state religion. In other words, the First Amendment is un-Islamic. Islam's raison d´etre is to be the established religion in every nation.
A related point to consider:
Is it desirable to maintain a strict neutrality between the religion on which your civilization is founded and the religion which aims to dismantle it?
Do we have to commit suicide as a nation or is possible for a whole lot of grownups in a leadership position to cut the Gordian knot and ask, “What part of unassimilable, hostile, killer, oppressive, sneaky, third-world joke of a pseudo-religion do you not understand? Do you doubt that Islam is just as elegant, coherent, and civilized as Santeria or voodoo? Get a grip, people! Islam means the death of every Western value that gives meaning, rationality, and security to your lives.”

"Sharia in a First Amendment Society." By William Kilpatrick, Right Side News, 8/1/10 -- a seminal article.

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