August 7, 2010

The mother of all lost opportunities.

In 2008, blacks enjoyed a truly historic moment to vote for black man for president. Older Americans could think back to the days of Selma and Medgar Evers and not be in any doubt about what enormous changes there have been. It's easy to understand how blacks felt when Obama appeared in the race. I felt the same way when McAmnesty chose Palin. Here was one of my own, not some overeducated twit.

But what have been the results of Obama's election? The credentialed Obama is more articulate than the less credentialed Palin -- but which of the two now would you count on to say something sensible or insightful? Which one, in your heart of hearts, do you know knows how to fix a flat tire on her car or how to exercise political authority beyond simply voting “present” or letting Nancy do it?

This is Obama's world view:
  1. Black is the way to go to ride the gravy train.
  2. The American past is worthless and offers no clue as to the proper ordering of political, social, and economic life.
  3. Patriotism is having a vision of a formless future America with no connection to her past.
  4. Amnesty, spend, elect.
Not one thing that Obama says convinces me that he knows what America is. In one of "his" books he makes clear that he sought out the company of radicals when he wasn't doing drugs and grinding out cigarettes in the hall carpets of his college dormitory. Actually, it was while he was doing drugs, etc.

My peeps!
But did he drink from the waters that flowed from Independence Hall so long ago?

A job for Columbo.

Palin was a thrilling choice because she was one of US, not someone who had to call Prince Janjaweed or George Soros to find out what she thinks on a subject. She was an original and she got it about America. Best of all, she'd made an end run around the Repub sifters, grifters, choosers, schmoozers, and losers. It was almost enough to make someone take up moose hunting.

So, God bless blacks who thought that they were seeing a national candidate just like them for a change, someone who hadn't (hah) been vetted by whites. Fine. I loved Palin because she too hadn't been vetted by whites.

On the simple matter of who understands America, it's Sarah hands down and Obama who comes across as doing the Alinsky two-step and preaching out of the latter’s sordid playbook. Which was dedicated to Lucifer, never forget. Now there’s a competing vision for you. Lucifer v. Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, Madison, Whitman, Twain, and a few others.

Which way to choose? Oh, Lord, which way?

It is the stuff of (ancient) Greek tragedy that the black who entered the White House as a truly historic figure with oceans of good will beneath his keel has proved to be a man whose intellectual arsenal was stocked with textbooks right out the 99¢ Bargain Bin at Dollar General. Obviouslyyyyy, the preacher and other blacks highlighted in this video have a greater personal understanding of the realities of the black experience than Obama and why America at any stage is just about as good as it can ever get.

However, it's anybody's guess what Obama's real experience has been and the search for his life’s paper trail will surely rank up there with Speke and Burton’s search for the headwaters of the Nile. So far, the searchers on that Kred Kwest are, figuratively speaking, just checking in to the Cairo airport Motel 6.

So the catalytic effect of Mr. Obama’s presidency has been zilch and the opportunity to get the self-pitying, dependent, or rejectionist portion of the black population to move away from reliance on government or asinine revenge fantasies in the direction of achievement and self reliance has been lost at this most propitious of times.

Worse, his fundamental lack of understanding of and affection for the American experience -- the whole American experience -- is doing great damage to the nation and his presidency. His vision of race reality forged in the crucible of shaped by the company of subversives and race haters threatens to drive home the lesson, not that the tremendous sacrifices made to make equal rights and opportunity a reality for blacks have paid off, but rather that even blacks who appear to be the essence of what we hoped would come from a multitude of opened doors, even they . . . cannot be trusted not to harbor resentful and destructive ideas and plans that are completely at odds with what America is all about.

The Allen Wests, Larry Elders, Elizabeth Wrights, David Almasis, Clarence Thomases, and Chris Rocks put the lie to that idea and the contrast between people such as they and the clowns here and there in the executive and legislative branch of the federal government today is painful to regard. The former people are black and have understanding, perspective, and appreciation.

Obama is black and a passable speaker.


"Do 88% of African Americans love Obama because they’re racist or stupid?" By Rachel Peepers, Eternity Road, 8/5/10.

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