January 12, 2011

The face of modern conservatism.

If you want definitive proof of why leftists lack any integrity consider the disgraceful campaign to discredit right-wing criticism of Obama as an incitement to violence and their dishonest campaign to paint Jared Loughner as right-wing or conservative, whose beliefs find support and reinforcement in today's Tea Party or in anything said or done by Sarah Palin.

Offhand, does this sound to you like something LTC West, Michele Bachmann, or Sen. Jim DeMint has been saying?
The government is implying mind control and brainwash on the people by controlling grammar.
~ Jared Loughner.

For the far left to connect the dots between Jared Loughner and the "right" they have to represent to you that the above statement is straight from the conservative main stream and that it in no way suggests the that roots of Jared Loughner's behavior is to be found in severe mental illness. Nothing paranoid about that, thank you very much.

The same leftist logic would have me as an authentic left winger because of a statement, "The infield fly rule is part of the legacy of slavery that no amount of the blood-tipped sword of privilege can know."

A Huffington Post subscriber!

"Giffords Shooter Identified as Jared Loughner (Photo)." By Jane Hamsher, firedoglake, 1/8/11.

H/t: Legal Insurrection.

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