June 20, 2011

Leon Panetta – curiouser and curiouser.

Today Leon Panetta is on the verge of assuming the most important defense post in the free world.

For more than 10 years Mr Panetta maintained a close friendship and regular correspondence with Hugh DeLacy, a long time Communist Party member and unrepentant Marxist-Leninist to his dying day. Panetta regularly supplied DeLacy with government reports and opinions on defense and foreign policy matters. A year before Panetta was elected to Congress and the correspondence began, his friend was in China as a guest of the communists meeting with several former and at least one reported active spy.

Mr Panetta has apparently volunteered none of this information during any of his Senate confirmation hearings. Not one Senator has asked any questions about any of Panetta’s extensive history with communists and far left activists.[1]
A Panetta connection with a National Socialist would be death to his nomination. The mere whisper of such a connection would doom his chances of an entry-level job at the post office. For Defense Secretary, however, a solid history of friendship, association, and active correspondence with leftist scum is unworthy of mention or inquiry.

Willful blindness is at work here as the content of Panetta's FBI files must surely go beyond what Mr. Loudon has been able to compile from public sources.

As I am fond to pointing out, between 1945 and the fall of the Soviet Union, just about every American soldier killed or wounded was killed or wounded by a weapon designed, constructed, financed, packed, shipped, provided, fired, or controlled by a communist. Yet today there is indifference to the nomination of a leftist of the first rank to be Secretary of Defense who has an extensive and disturbing relationship with this Hugh DeLacy. Just as there was indifference to his nomination as Director, C.I.A., so help me.

This is not a healthy nation and tens of thousands of trickles of information that loyal citizens encounter are beginning to join together in a very visible torrent:

The border is deliberately left open despite solemn promises to close it. Alternative energy is extolled when its contribution to the nation is and will be minuscule. No technical breakthrough exists that awaits only the right amount of "investment" in it to create a tsunami of cheap energy. There's evidence the president is a Marxist revolutionary and it is beyond dispute that he hired a known communist to serve in the White House. Our fiscal house is wildly out of whack and the nation pursues a deliberate strategy of debasing the dollar, thereby stealing from the savings of millions of Americans.

Our president is a complete unknown, achieving election with a paper trail that is beyond thin and having spent 20 years kissing the hem of a pastor who ran a church that was the flagship church for black liberation theology. And he slobbers over foreign leaders like he's some lackey applying for a job.

These only hint at the full measure of the disgrace that is American politics today.

It can't go on.

[1] "Panetta Report 4: Leon Panetta’s Communist Friend, and the Chinese Spy." By Trevor Loudon, New Zeal, 6/20/11 (emphasis added).

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