June 16, 2011

Race Disaster 101

Why can’t we eliminate poverty? Because the progressive approach is one which completely misunderstands the human condition, positing that a lack of financial wherewithal is the disease. It’s not. It’s a symptom of the disease. The disease is a toxic mentality that leads to one horrendous life choice after another, highlighted by the choice to have children out of wedlock, followed by a father’s choice to abandon his own children as casually as one would toss away yesterday’s newspaper . . . .

Throw a little white guilt into the mix, perpetrated by the same white progressives who believe personal responsibility is a bridge too far for the “benighted classes,” and couple it with the black racial hucksters who egg the guilty on for personal aggrandizement and financial gain. The perfect storm of social dystopia continues unabated.[1]
This state of affairs is exactly what every deliberate, Constitution-be-damned, national policy since Lyndon Johnson has labored to create, the truth of which statement can be inferred from the ferocious energy devoted to keeping it alive and fully functional. Great peril attends the utterance of any words that point out that this state of affairs is a spreading cancer that is distorting the very foundation of our country.

Each and every non-certifiable white, East Indian, Hispanic, Chinese, Vietnamese, or resident African will resort to extraordinary measures and crushing expense to remove themselves from the midst or borders of majority black areas or build redoubts within them if removal is not to their taste. Liberal cretins and political operators among them, however, would rather eat roofing nails than admit to their true motivation – viz., common sense self-preservation and a desire to send their kids to schools that are overwhelmingly white -- but they will be quick to find "racism" at the heart of this sanity- and life-preserving, de facto segregation. The liberal cretins in a horror movie will always be the ones who go down into the basement of the castle to investigate that moaning noise and decide to split up.

A black illegitimacy rate of 70% and epidemic black criminality – the new Beau Ideal.

Courtesy of your neighborhood Democrat Party and gutless Republicans.

They will not ever acknowledge the tragic gift to the extraordinary, beautiful, glorious, sane, stable, rational, exciting American republic of "too many black American youths . . . immersed in a pathological, machismo thug-glorifying worldview–nurtured by timid politicians, racial opportunists and a head-in-the-sand media."[2]

[1] "Why Race Matters." By Arnold Ahlert, FrontPageMagazine.com, 6/16/11 (emphasis added).
[1] Id.

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