January 12, 2012

2012 Republican plank.

G. Murphy Donovan suggests the Republican Party should have a single platform in 2012 – "No more 'pie in the sky.' no more promises that can't be kept."

Domestically, that would mean no new social programs.

Internationally, "we might leave the Muslim world to the fate it has earned with 60 years of inertia and double dealing."[1]

This is exactly right, especially with respect to our policy for the Muslim world. The Muslim world is moribund and utterly unable to pull itself out of medieval obscurantism and primitivism. It's wholly incapable of operating a modern economy. It's incapable of fostering critical thinking or a legal system that's predictable, coherent, systematic, or codified.

It's a world where rooting out "blasphemy," doctrinal innovation, backsliding, apostasy, and smart asses is the primary focus of all ruling theocracies. Muslim countries of the Middle East are barbaric places where riots, arson, and murder are used against religious minorities unless, ironically, some heavy-handed, secular-minded dictator happens to prevent such gratuitous oppression.

Muslim countries export only oil, terrorism, and "refugees" and "immigrants" intent on subversion and degradation of the unfortunate European countries where they go.

In short, Islamic countries have nothing of value to offer Western countries and should be left to be Islamic to their hearts' content.

The Wall Street Journal some years ago had a story about an Oriental gentleman who was adept at baccarat and he ran up such a mound of winnings that the casino became concerned. The management consulted with their own advisers who counseled that the odds were never in favor of the player and that the correct course was just to let the man play as long as he wished. I don't recall the outcome, but it's the same approach we ought to take with respect to the Islamic world. Just keep on being Islamic without assistance from or intervention by us. They can then experience the full force of the glories of Islam.

Subtly in the background there should be the most delicate of hints. As a wonderful gentleman stated in a YouTube video that was unfortunately taken down, "You think you can get crazy, m___________s. We can get crazier!"

He was probably not the holder of an Ars Baccalaureum degree, I'm guessing, but you couldn't swing a cat anywhere inside the HQ of the U.S. Department of State next Tuesday and hit anyone with more understanding of foreign policy and human nature than he has.

But I digress.

[1] "A One Plank Platform, Please!" By G. Murphy Donovan, New English Review, January 2012.

1 comment:

KG said...

It's high time we did get crazier.