June 11, 2015

Some preliminary thoughts on Jeb and Carly.

I just don't see how Bush wins the nomination. The only Republicans who are going to bother to vote in the primaries are sick to the point of nausea of squishy, inarticulate girly-man Republicans. I rather like Carly, myself: no girly-man, she.
~ Ed Sherling.[1]
Au Contraire, [it's not that voters just don't want another Bush;] he sucks. I didn't like him when he was governor of my native state, but he did do a reasonably good job as governor. However, his Mexican wife has turned him against America and I won't vote for him. Ted Cruz is our guy with Walker as my second choice and Carly Fiorina as VP or--maybe the top of the ticket. I like her better every day.
~ Amanda Trebiano.[2]

These comments were chosen completely at random and do not in any way mirror the thinking of this writer.

[1] Comment on "Jeb Bush Shocked That He Is Not Already President." By Emily Zanotti, The Spectacle Blog, The American Spectator, 6/11/15.
[2] Id.


Anonymous said...

When I look at the field of GOP candidates I always ask myself who would I loan 10,000 to on a handshake and his word?

Who is consistent in word and deed?
Who keeps his word and who seems to be pushed about by any random breeze?
Who has a consistent record and speaks about for the values his base holds dear?
Who has actually accomplished something and not been a politician his entire life?
Who is in the pockets of the corporations, unions, special interests, and foundations?

Except for Jindal and Cruz I don't see many candidates I would vote for.

Col. B. Bunny said...

Those are high standards and yet it seems that this country of 300+ million people casts up such an abnormal, limited or compromised small group of politicians to choose from. Money just makes it impossible for John Doe to compete at the national level.

I see everything through the immigration lens these days. If anyone's squishy on that they are sellouts by definition. Truth to tell I don't know where Fiorina stands on that so she may prove to be unacceptable. The pressure to cave on open borders seems to be irresistible. But, it's the no. 1 issue. If the borders remain open, everything else is irrelevant.