June 22, 2018

The “new” threat.

“New,” that is, if you’ve been in a coma for 60 years. It got started a long time before the end of the Soviet Union.
Since the Cold War ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union, it has grown apparent that the existential threat to the West comes not from Czar Vladimir’s Russian divisions returning to the Elbe.

The existential threat came from the south.

Half a century ago, Houari Boumedienne, the leader of a poor but militant Algeria, allegedly proclaimed at the United Nations:

“One day, millions of men will leave the Southern Hemisphere to go to the Northern Hemisphere. And they will not go there as friends. Because they will go there to conquer it. And they will conquer it with their sons. The wombs of our women will give us victory.”[1]
The same idea has been attributed to the late Moamar Gaddafi. Timeless and horribly accurate in either event. Amazing to think that Westerners just sit there sucking their thumbs while their replacement races and cultures breed profligately right here in River City, some with multiple wives and families financed by host nation taxpayers. Self abasement just doesn’t begin to cover the waterfront here.

If some human being has a brown or black skin then, when some kind of decision needs to be made about what to do about such a person, white people's brains just effing fly out the window.

Or does the preservation of Western nations and peoples require measures from which liberal societies today reflexively recoil?[2]
As someone else said but I repeat endlessly, the solution to problems caused by liberalism are illiberal solutions. And here we sit at this very hour, scared of our shadow and terrified to lay responsibility for anything pertaining to foreign children on their foreign parents (or bogus parents). Adults who dragged their children along on a 1,200-mile journey through Mexico to tell us lies and suck up our charity get a complete pass and we flagellate ourselves over children humanely separated from their “parents” and cared for in a responsible manner while the illegality of the parents’ behavior is sorted out.

Gigantic light bulb here: if the parents and children are upset over, surprise, separation, the parents can stay at home or seek “asylum” in Mexico. No separation at home or in Mexico. So can we say to ourselves that the "separation" is entirely on the parents?

Not in the mewling, pussified America of today.

[1] "Pat Buchanan Asks 'Has The West The Will To Survive?'" By Pat Buchanan, ZeroHedge, 6/22/18 (formatting removed).
[2] "Id.


paul scott said...

It's not going to be easy.
The leaders who need urgent attention are many of them women.
The sort of action required will see the first over the psychological barricades as a vile psychopath.
By that means the totalitarian State would even go further.
But its too late to work with the institutions.

Col. B. Bunny said...

Agreed. The institutional integrity of the entire West has evaporated. That poem about "none dare call it treason" applies with ever greater force:

Treason doth never prosper? What's the Reason?
for if it prosper none dare call it treason.

~ John Harington (1560-1612)

I think our salvation is in something very amorphous, to wit, the elites are too clever by half. Lots of wise people have described in detail what the errors are but to no effect. It's gotten to the point that the violation of God's laws and the iron laws of arithmetic just have to play out. No one person can light the fuse to the perfect-placed charge. "It" just has to happen, namely disaster. A bit like the loss of Singapore in WWII. The defenses were all premised on a sea attack but the Japs came from the jungle.

I think the pension crisis will hit earlier than the Social Security and Medicare crisis. Then, if there is an increase in the interest rate, as there must be to avoid bubbles and further damage from malinvestment, the burden of debt service will rise to even more painful levels. At some point the burden of Medicaid and our $32,000,000-per-hour cost of maintaining a military presence and operations around the world will twist the rope even further. Everyone knows this is a huge problem but it's "deer in the headlights" dawn to dusk so in due course the gods will deliver a rash of thunderbolts and we'll go from there.

lolitasbrother said...

You have the iconic Uncle Remus [ Woodpile report ]as a reader.
He's a no nonsense individualist and prepper from Appalachian Carolina,
absolutely required reading.

Prometheus said...

Paul Harvey called it 'the browning of America' as far back as the 90's that I can recall. Probably further back than that but I was just a nose picker before that.

Col. B. Bunny said...

I esteem Remus highly. He's a unique blend of knowledge, insight, and understated humor.

Col. B. Bunny said...

Brown and everything else so long as it's not white. Multiculturalism is a lie so changing the ethnic and racial mix of our country is simply an act of war. War is made inevitable.

I can't figure this guy out but if you want to see the face of one prominent enemy, there it is. Peter Sutherland, thankfully now dead, was another.

A great overall take on the immigration attack on white nations is this video. Professor MacDonald has the story on the peculiar Jewish obsession with immigration, amply illustrated by the famous video of Barbara Lerner Spectre who was obviously thereafter told to STFU. What Jews like her and these 1,200+ rabbis think Europe and the U.S. are going to be like for Jews is a mystery.