September 2, 2020

Under construction in the U.K. and looking awfully familiar here at home.

A Fascist State is a totalitarian public-private partnership where all policy, speech and expression, economic activity and production is controlled via a beneficial arrangement between government and a network of non governmental organisations . . . . The individual is removed from all decision making because elections are either banned or meaningless, and those who make policy decisions aren’t elected anyway. They form a technocratic elite. There is no diversity of opinion and all information is controlled by the Fascist State.

Any dissent or questioning of the doctrines of the State is considered to be disinformation and is censored. The Fascist State attempts to control opinion through propaganda, censorship and punishment. With the assistance of censor organisations and propagandists, like the CCDH [Center for Countering Digital Hate], such a State is currently under construction in the UK.[1]

This is a profound article, containing as it does this and numerous other insights into the present confusion.

Mr. Davis captures the greasy agenda behind "disinformation." It's a term I remember from Cold War days describing foreign state lies or obfuscation but now it comes with a new paint job -- censorship of dissident views. Apparently our ruling class considers our minds to be like sponges that mindlessly absorb whatever evil notions are spread by evil people. The concept of the discerning, informed citizen able to differentiate between gold and brass does not exist for our rulers and the only option is statist control. For our own good. No dangerous words about hydroxycholoroquine children. The word "vaccine" is so much nicer.

One last quote:

There is a strong tendency among progressives to label anything they disagree with as right wing and quite frequently far right or antisemitic. They call themselves radicals and whatever they deem not to be progressive they label as hate. Their language is merely a device used to promote division and create hatred among their followers for anyone or anything the doesn’t toe their progressive doctrine, including their own fellow party members.[2]
The U.K. has really slipped into a place that makes the term "mother of Parliaments" seem like a sick joke. Sergei Skripal and his daughter have now been held incommunicado for over two years with not one word of explanation from HMG as to their condition, whereabouts, and future prospects. Soviet psychiatric prison without the drugs. One hopes.

[1] "CCDH – The Centre For Cancel Culture And Digital Hypocrisy – Part 1." By Iaian Davis, In This Together, 8/8/20 (underline added). Part 2 can be found here.
[2] Id.


paul scott said...

The speed of the arrival of the fascist State there has been dramatic.
I get the feeling that Boris Johnson was dealt with over his Covid case.
Once you prove you can kill a person any time you want to, he is not going to be of much use
to anyone, unless like you and me he is ferociously determined.
But these are politicians we are talking about, and it appears to get to the top you have to be a psychopath.

Col. B. Bunny said...

It is indeed alarming to see that. I had the image in my mind forever of the loyal, steady, competent British functionary in the colonies or at home doing his job fairly but firmly. Now that's replaced by the image of the arbitrary thug shooting out the tires of Tommy Robinson's pal like he was some psychopathic killer. Tommy himself was set up to be scalded in prison. The cops herded the EDL demonstrators right into the arms of the Muslim thugs (as the cops in Charlottesville did with the patriots) and favor the Muslim and the African over whites every single time. Official Britain has overseen the destruction of Britain, which is inevitable with the official obsession with "diversity." And the queen has sat there like a stump and done and said nothing about it.

I suppose it was inevitable after WWII. Britain was busted economically and had a long way to go to repair the damage. The turn to the left came then and that was that with a brief flash of hope under Thatcher. The mania for the universal franchise may have been the sine qua non, guaranteeing that SOME form of human stupidity would do its civilization-destroying magic.

The entire Western world including Russia was infected with socialism and communism some 160 (?) years ago and thereafter had to deal with a violent, hostile, subversive infection that eventually won. This American election may be the post-war British equivalent where stupidity finally voted in the termites.

Financial control seems sufficient to deal with politicians. American politics is dominated by Jewish money and so we grovel before Israel and worship mass third-world immigration, a particularly Jewish obsession.

Psychopaths is an adequate way to describe many of the top people. And the dominating political ideas in the West are nothing but that with their utter hostility to native whites in every country. Only a white-hot malevolence has taken America from being 90% white to something like 62%, all without the consent of whites. As the late, great Bob Whitaker said, it's Asia for the Asians, Africa for the Africans, but Western nations for EVERYbody. I call that a psychopathic idea given the known (but absolutely unmentionable) realities of different cultures and religions.

The Fashion Mathematician said...

Goood blog post