August 25, 2007

The great teachings of Islam.

The photo that accompanies our source's text[1] is graphic and we reluctantly do not reproduce it here (due to our intermittent desire to respect others' intellectual property). (Check it out now so you'll have it in mind for the remainder of this post . . . .)

Next, consider how the great Islamic scholar Sayid Qutb in Colorado was all in a tizzy over
  • "the round breasts,"
  • "the full buttocks,"
  • "the shapely thighs,"
  • the "sleek legs," and
  • the "thirsty lips"
of American harlots whores strumpets jezebels women. He recoiled in tumescent horror from the decadence of Western culture and returned to Egypt to scribble the bible McGuffey's Reader for the Muslim Brotherhood and 20th-century Hashashim everywhere.

If you grant for a moment the proposition that the West is decadent, wouldn't you think these profound thinkers, these infinitely holy men who churn out prayers faster than a solar-powered Tibetan prayer wheel, could come up with something that would warrant some serious consideration by decent people willing to consider other viewpoints?

I mean, whatever our arguable shortcomings in the morality and decency department, we at least have come up with concepts such as due process, no crime without a previously defined crime, accountable officials, learned officials, rational analysis of law and adaptation to modern circumstances, progressive punishment, probation, parole, fines, community service, etc. Floggings, imprisonment at the whim of rulers, disembowelment, drawing and quartering – these were all punishments that we did away with as, well, er . . . barbaric.

So, what would the majesty of the sharia look like? What do the Koran, the sunna, the hadith, the sharia, the ulema, the shuras, the tafsir, the wahy, the jamaa’ah, the takfiri ideology, taqleed, the tahaarah, the mu'mins, the madrassas, the darul ulooms, the maulvis, the maulana, the lessons of the manhiaat, the khutbahs, the madhahib, the madhhab, m’uta marriage, the hawza, idjmaa, fiqh, the deen, the da'wa, the aqida, aqeedah, al-khulafa’ al-raashidoon, al-hikmah, the aay ah, ihsan and all that ijtihaad[2] teach us? What superior training and preparation qualify a Muslim for religious and political power? What harmonies of concept and justice inform the 10,000,000 random fatwas the 467 schools of Islamic jurisprudence the jumble of rulings, hadiths, sunna, and Koranic verses (organized according to length!) majestic ordering of Islamic society according to the immutable laws of Allah?

What lessons, in short, could fair-minded Westerners starved for superior alternative ideas learn from their Muslim brethren?

Answer: the proper ordering of society is all in the wrist as you bring the whip down on the bare back of the offender. The person doing the whipping to be suitably masked, it goes without saying. (Masking is always good when doing manly Islamic things.)
Human Rights groups say there have been a marked rise in recent months in the number of people sentenced to executions and floggings in Iran.

Amnesty International, which said it is "greatly concerned by continuing human rights abuses in Iran", has highlighted figures revealing 117 people were executed in 2006 with thousands facing floggings.

They included a woman, who had been forced into prostitution as an eight-year-old, receiving 99 lashes because of "acts contrary to [chastity]."

Earlier this year, a man was flogged after a copy of the Bible was found in his car. [3] 
Yup. Allah the Compassionate commands his servants to flog a woman who was forced into prostitution. And you flog a guy with literature subversive of Islamic theocracy.

This is one seriously insecure bunch of men who are terrified of women and the loss of privileged male sexual and political control. They experience utter terror at the thought of free thought.

Did you by chance consider our preceding post's comparison to baboon governance harsh?

[1] "Rough justice: 80 lashes for 'immoral' Iranian who abused alcohol and had sex." By David Williams, Daily Mail, 8/22/07.
[2] Aay ah (interpretation of the meaning).
Al-hikmah (wisdom).
Al-khulafa’ al-raashidoon (the way of the rightly-guided successors).
Aqeedah (basic tenets of faith).
Aqida (schools of doctrine ).
Darul ulooms (islamic seminaries).
Da'wa (religious propagation).
Deen (a submission and worship by man for the creator, ruler, the subjugator in a comprehensive system of life with all its belief, intellectual, moral and practical aspects).
Fiqh (jurisprudence).
Hadith (traditions of what the prophet of islam said and did).
Hawza (seminaries).
Idjmaa (consensus of the learned).
Ihsan (the science of excellence or perfection).
Ijtihaad (internal debate).
Jamaa’ah (those who are agreed upon "the truth").
Khutbahs (sermons).
Koran (Islamic Koran).
Madhahib (schools of thought).
Madhhab (way of the salaf).
Madrassas (islamic schools).
Manhiaat (disallowed matters).
Maulana (masters, people who have an in-depth knowledge of islam).
Maulvis (clerics or teachers).
Mu'mins (true believers).
M’uta marriage (a kind of shiite "temporary" marriage of 15 mins. or longer duration; readily distinguishable from one-night stands and prostitution by shia Islamic experts).
Sharia (islamic law).
Shuras (executive councils).
Sunna (examples from muhammad's life).
Tafsir (commentaries on, marginalia in, or exegesis of the koran).
Tahaarah (cleanliness and purity).
Takfiri ideology (urging sunni muslims to kill anyone they consider an infidel, even fellow muslims).
Taqleed (unquestioning acceptance of the opinions of islamic scholars).
Ulema (community based scholars).
Wahy (mohammed' “revelations”).
[3] Williams, op. cit.

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