October 29, 2008

Media phalanx for Obama.

Phyllis Schlafly recites now familiar (to web surfers anyway) bullets from The Messiah’s secret resume of his lifetime of subversion and BS. This time she ties in the media’s failure at every turn to do anything but be Obama’s butt boy.
Why don't Big Media dissect the revelations and biases in Obama's autobiography, "Dreams From My Father," with the same journalistic curiosity they use about Sarah Palin's wardrobe?

Big Media present Obama as some sort of intellectual, but why don't we hear about his failure to write anything meaningful for the Harvard Law Review when he was its affirmative-action president?

Why don't we hear more about Obama's friendship with the communist Frank Marshall Davis, who was part of a Soviet-sponsored network in Hawaii? [1]
It’s a disgusting spectacle. So are the mawkish, adoring crowds around this poseur.

The Anchoress has a theory about Obama lickspittle journalists:
I personally believe that the press is going “all in” on Obama because they figure it’s the best way to shut down alternative media - which is killing them - and go back to being the only game in town.[2]
[1] "Media Censors Create Shield Around Obama." By Phyllis Schlafly, Investor's Business Daily, 10/28/08.
[2] "Our Unfree Press - -UPDATED." The Anchoress, 10/25/08.

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