December 3, 2008

Stupefying stupidity.

Ted Turner on the KGB:
We're not prejudiced against somebody [Vladimir Putin] who's worked at the FBI. It's an honorable place to work. And the KGB, I think, was an honorable place to work. And it gave people in the former Soviet Union, a communist country, an opportunity to do something important and worthwhile.
Well, now you CAN see what Hanoi Jane Fonda saw in the man. This was a man she could embrace. A soul mate.

Never mind that the Lubyanka cellars hosted many an execution with "nine grams" to the head. Never mind that the KGB was the enforcement arm of the 73-year murderous communist tyranny that blighted Russian lives and civilization. Never mind the vast network of Soviet concentration camps that dwarfed anything attempted by the Nazis. And never mind that it was one of the driving forces of espionage, assassination, and subversion in the U.S. from the 1930s until the collapse of the Soviet Union.

No. Never mind that. The urge to say something utterly ignorant and to expose a profound moral blindness was just too strong for this otherwise remarkable man.

Ted Turner. A man who stood astride a major part of the American data stream.

"Meet The Mess." By Investor's Business Daily, 12/2/08.


Hatless in Hattiesburg said...

just like the gestapo & ss gave many young german youths gainful employment in the thirties, right? :P ;)

Col. B. Bunny said...

I see you grasp the concept. :-)

All those youths wanted was a chance to make an honest living.