January 19, 2009

But don’t they contribute to the rich tapestry of America?

The U.S. Justice Department also says Mexican gangs are one of the biggest threats to the United States.
"Shadow of vigilantes appears in Mexico drug war." By Reuters, 1/19/09.


The Local Malcontent said...

Almost been a month since you last provacatively posted, sir.
Now, when your voice is most needed, I should add, here in teh heartlands.
Are you OK, Colonel?

Col. B. Bunny said...

Thank you very much for inquiring, LM. I appreciate that more than you know.

I've been traveling in the last three months in w. Africa, the Canaries, peninsular Spain, and England and Wales. The Roman, Anglo-Saxon and Norman baths, cathedrals, and castles were wonderful to visit. I also vastly enjoyed a visit to some Rhodesian friends.

I've not felt much like posting the last few months. I have an appellate brief to write just now but will post more after I'm done with that.

All is indeed well and I hope you are both well.

Thank you again.

Warmest regards,

The Colonel