April 22, 2009

Dreary, tongue-less ciphers.

Great comment by Peter Koelliker on the excellent speech by Daniel Hannan MEP South East England:
I understand you [Republicans] don't have [the] votes to change anything. But tell me, did the cat get your tongues? This is a perfect time for you to speak. You risk nothing. Stand on your principles (if you have any)! And let America know that better alternatives do exist. Make known what you think. Surely you can seen that the country is hemorrhaging.

You sit there poised and smart, but you don't show your passion. You are mere ciphers. You are content to let talk show hosts carry your water.
Speech at link.

Comment by Peter Koelliker on "John Galt Beginnings: Daniel Hannan MEP South East England." By John Batchelor, Batchelor & Constable, 3/25/09.

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