May 20, 2010

Islam -- exit strategy.

Islam's inflexible and intolerant dogmatism is at the heart of the Islamic world's stagnation and backwardness.

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The best, yet difficult resolution of the conflict is to do what hundreds of thousands of Iranian Muslims have already done. They have abandoned the slaveholder Islam: they broke loose from the yoke of the exploitive clergy, renounced Islamofascisim, purged the discriminatory and bizarre teachings in the Quran and the Hadith, and left the suffocating tent of dogmatic Islam for the life-giving expanse of liberty.

Reforming Islam, requires discarding Sharia, but also purging the Quran itself from enormous suras that are not only patently false, but totally repugnant to a civilized humanity. This line of thinking, to sanitize Islam is explicitly forbidden in the Quran . . . .
"Muslims’ Entrapment by Islam." By Amil Imani, Freedom of Iran, 4/12/10 (emphasis added).


Anonymous said...

Wow... sounds like what the protestants tried to do to Catholicism... look how miserable that turned out. Of course - Catholics don't demand death of non-believers. (No one needs to add all the normal anti-Catholic tripe.)

Col. B. Bunny said...

I have no animus toward Catholics. Killing off apostates and nonbelievers does seem to be the defining characteristic of Islam and Protestants didn't have to contend with that kind of foolishness in their struggles with Catholics.

I've been reading a bit about the English Reformation and Civil War but am a long way from having any insight into the Catholic-Protestant division in England. James I wrote a treatise on witchcraft which I find interesting. Whatever the doctrinal differences were back then I don't think they involved a lot of really clear thinking.

Whether Protestant or Catholic, you almost certainly weren't spurred on by core doctrines to murderous attacks on co-religionists who wanted to switch sides or on non-believers and there was no need to extirpate great swaths of the Bible in the course of the battles.

Islam seems to have core doctrines that do just that.

Col. B. Bunny said...

Btw, what was the negative result that came from what the Protestants tried to do to Catholicism? No sarcasm. Just curious about what you are referring to exactly.