Independently of the impeachment sound and fury in Washington, the walls will continue to close in on domestic dissenters. The digital ghettoization of alternative views to “protect our democracy” from supposed outside meddling conflated with “hate online” will accelerate, with social media a particular target for censorship. The Deep State’s intelligence and law enforcement organs will step up actions to penalize any resistance to Antifa violence, while perpetrators of such violence will rampage with impunity. Trump has done nothing to protect free speech online or in public places while his enemies continue to contract the space for both—but things can and will get much, much worse. Such vestigial protections of religion, free speech, right to bears arms, and others that we still possess—for now—aren’t likely to survive much longer as the edifice of the old America continues to crumble under the malfeasance of the very Executive, Legislative, and Judicial officials who pretend to be its custodians.[1]To the normal citizen today what does “elite” signify except a treasonous scumbag intent on either destroying America as it was conceived or consciously choosing to do nothing to prevent that destruction?
Be sure to read the whole article, especially what Mr. Jatras says about “tribes.” NO politician out there will speak about the reality of what Jatras points out but it is precisely what is driving us straight to civil war. NOTHING is being done to deal with the spiritual and ideological problems of our time. Trump at least understands basic economic calculation, in the realms of trade and employment anyway, but that’s it. But he’s clueless about war and the Constitution.
One hundred and four years after the criminal stupidity of WWI we now have a far worse stupidity to deal with. The earlier disaster was the result of mere strategic miscalculation. Today, millions are confused about the meaning of civilization, rationality, and decency. How exactly will this end except in a true cataclysm?
[1] "The Dictatorship of Victims Strikes Back." By Jim Jatras, Chronicles, 11/8/18.
I have found an example of what you speak "or consciously choosing to do nothing to prevent that destruction."
Colonel, I had a daydream where a group of people with me ambushed that Antifa mob at Tucker Carlson's home. We took them all out and moved away into the night. I always think in politics that there will be other people similar to me. I always think older people will be on the covert front line, we have less to lose, our families have grown up.
Pascal, thanks for the link. You're right on the money. Laura Ingraham observed a couple of nights ago that it's absurd that the GOP is in the same position again as it was when the Bush Florida recount travesty went down. Scott has only himself to blame that that moron is running the elections in Broward, is it? The GOP did nothing to press the issue of voter rolls stuffed with illegals and dead people. They had control over all three branches the last two years but where was the legislation to allow for federal involvement in clearing out the rolls? I'm told that Trump had Kobach go around to various states and raise the issue of voter rolls but got nowhere. At which point, I suspect that Trump did nothing and Lord knows if Sessions had any energy over this. Surely none. Being rebuffed at the state level should have had Trump in a fury ordering US Attorneys to investigate but he didn't. He just gave up, it seems. These guys are led around by the nose and easily distracted and diverted. I've known two-year-olds with more foresight and a longer attention span.
Exactly right about McSally. What golden opportunity to raise the issue of illegal voting and other fraud but, no, genteel "thanks for supporting me on this journey." Pathetic.
I don't have much faith in any segment of the patriotic population getting energized in that way. When we get to the point where law enforcement won't go after street-fighting scum like Antifa -- and they won't -- the normal person has only one option, which is not to rely on the established order for self defense. That's the long-term horror that the Treason Class are building into our politics now. God bless the Proud Boys. They are only a beginning unless the Establishment gets their act together which they have no intention of doing.
The problem is patriots in all Western countries do NOT realize they are in a war. They still think it's 1950s America with "Leave It to Beaver" on the tube. It's 2018 and we have bottom feeders like Kathy Griffin posing as "comedians" and abject lunacy is everywhere.
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