August 1, 2016

Shifting gears.

As it's clear that the Treason Class has no intention of enforcing America's borders and that the evisceration of the Constitution is no big deal to Republicans, it's useful to pay attention to what thoughtful people have to say by way of describing the reality of our political life, as opposed to the illusion that we're living in a functioning constitutional republic. I highlight some such views here, though they grow like weeds everywhere.

Having been as slow on the uptake as anyone, I can't claim too many independent penetrating insights early on. The Cold War years seemed straightforward enough with the main irritant being the left's (1) failure to recognize the hideous nature of communist regimes, (2) failure to recognize the superiority of economic freedom, (3) failure to recognize the innate decency of American law and traditional society, (4) pathetic belief in their ability to craft solutions to life's problems superior to those developed over the centuries, and (5) their dishonesty about their revolutionary objective.

The borders remained open and the Democrats made hay with the power that came from pandering to the black underclass and its parasitic, libertine, anti-white, criminal ways. A halfhearted gesture was made during Clinton to turn off the spigot of subsidies for producing black babies on an industrial scale and Newt seemed to be able to hold Clinton's feet to the fire on spending. Return to sanity seemed a real enough possibility.

With the mere election of GW it seemed like the pendulum swung slight back in the direction of Republican "sense" but with Bush's mad dash to the Islamic Center of Washington on the day after 9/11 to slobber over the resident Muslims, his "religion of peace" foolishness, and his hand holding and kissy face with Saudi royalty, whose hackles did not rise? What?!

Since then it's been perpetual war, Republican fiscal idiocy, Keynesian/monetary lunacy, and servile Republicans stretching to the horizon. It's a period that might in future histories be known as The Long American Demolition Derby, Mud Wrestling, and Foreigner-Worshiping Extravaganza. Immigration spiraled up into the clouds; Islam became as hard to understand as quantum mechanics; Muslims and ultra-leftists were inserted into federal agencies with abandon; rule by decree became the new normal; inexplicable, unconstitutional, and fatuous foreign military adventures multiplied; and Republicans cowered under their desks, immobilized by a Harry Reid raised eyebrow.

Anyone who still thought we might still be living in something remotely like a Jimmy Steward/Bob Hope kind of normality finally had to hang it up. It just wasn't Kansas any longer and a grotesque transformation of the United States was visibly in progress, aided and abetted by the sellout media and dumb ass academics.

This is Chuck Baldwin's take on what we face:

Over most of the last century, conservatives and liberals, Republicans and Democrats, and Christians and secularists have collectively jettisoned constitutional government in favor of a Welfare State, a Warfare State, a Nanny State, and a Police State.[1]
The acquiescence of the worthless Paul Ryan in the last spending bill granting everything that Obama wanted in his relentless drive to destroy even the remnants of the old America is Exhibit B for Republican complicity in the Obama revolutionary agenda. Exhibit A is the Republican failure to impeach Obama for his extra-constitutional end run around our immigration laws and his undeclared, unconstitutional war against Syria and Libya. Republicans love both.

Here's Clyde Wilson's take on Republican duplicity:

Another fact: With the exception of Reagan’s contribution to winning the Cold War, the entire history of the Republican Party in the 20th century has been grotesque betrayal—a lack of effective opposition to any leftist and Democratic initiative. The Republican Party has won office claiming opposition and immediately abetted and institutionalized whatever revolution has been imposed. Whenever the party leadership has been challenged, money, electoral expertise, and cunning deceit have been employed to defeat the usurper.[2]
On the issue of dynastic government, so help me God, Baldwin has this to say:
For twenty out of the last twenty-eight years, America has had either a Bush or a Clinton in the White House. And to the chagrin of Democrats who thought they were getting “change” with Barack Obama, for the past eight years, he has simply treaded water for the Bush/Clinton regime. And with Hillary winning the Democrat nomination, they are back.[3]
Yet another Bush stepped in to offer himself this year as a presidential candidate, an example of unmitigated gall if ever there was one. I thought I had an ego but that guy takes the cake.

Is that what the Constitution was all about? Dynastic government? Rule by two families of nonentities, lightweights, and a horn dog, followed by an interim joke, to be followed, God forbid, by a lying, foul-mouthed, power-hungry Alinsky groupie who gives political corruption a bad name?

[1] "'A Threat To All Humanity' ." By Chuck Baldwin, Chuck Baldwin LIVE, 7/28/16. H/t: Russia Insider.
[2] "The Missing Opposition." By Clyde Wilson, Chronicles, 10/1/14.
[3] Baldwin, supra.


Unknown said...

Do you feel it in the air? Can you see it on the faces in the street. Its coming. War. Real War. Not that chickenshit Nintendo Drone War on TV, Civil War II. Civil War II, Second American Revolution, Call it what you will. What cannot go on, won't. The new normal is crazy motherfucking bullshit. The enemy has gone batshit crazy. Everything is falling down. America, The North American Union, The EU, the UN, The WTO, The World Bank, The Federal Reserve, and even the Petrodollar. Its all over for the unwelcome and stupid parasites. White Genocide has gone viral. Their "celebration" of White Minority Status is about twenty to thirty years premature.
Trump won't make it. Like Perot he'll be blackmailed and stopped. George HW Bush took out Perot with pictures of his daughter cheating on her fiance. That CIA scumbag is a real piece of work. He and his clan will pay for it with the rest. After America is liberated, we can start cleaning up Europe.
What was ours before, will be ours again. Trust me on that. The enemy and their orc armies will pay a heavy price for their attacks.

Col. B. Bunny said...

I agree with you general take on the future with the exception of Trump's not making it. The photos of Melania appear to be all they've got and I dare say he's factored in such attacks. My guess.

I don't smell anything in the air other than the fact that I note that the natives are restless in an understated, orderly way. Regardless of who wins in November, there will be a financial implosion in the Western world that will very quickly ratchet up the anger. Parasites will lose their stipends and that will be the first break point. Things are quiet but not many realize how fragile this very complex economy is. One railroad has parked over a hundred (?) locomotives in the desert because there's no freight to haul. The Baltic Dry Index was very low last time I looked. Deutsche Bank closed a bunch of offices. That amounts to some serious "rumbling." This won't be like the Depression.

Unknown said...

Even if its not blackmail, Trump can't get his own party to back him. He's not even extreme and just the fact he's a nationalist is making them apeshit crazy. That New World Order stuff is getting funny now. Rio has been a hoot. Rio 2016 is their Potemkin Global Village and it blew up in their face. Diversity is all its green goo gloryhole. Crime, dysfunction, low ratings and all that glorious technical failure. That green hair from the green goo pool for the Gold. Whom Gods destroy they first drive mad. Clusterfuck Global Village 2016.
I don't know where you live, but the mood around here is grim. People don't want to even go out anymore. Stores are boarded up, money is scarce and the stupid new normal talk about the economy is so stupid its actually hard to believe. Trump should be a joke candidate. I don't think he was even serious at first. Trump always pretends he's gonna run, and when he's re-buffed he just takes some free publicity for his media career and goes home. Immigration was the magic word. Jeb Bush saying he likes Mexicans better than lazy Americans. He killed his whole family with that laugh line. Apparently Little Jebbie believes he's a member of La Raza cause he married the maid from Motel Six. Maybe they'll leave a light on for him, cause his family probably won't be inviting him to any future family functions after that one. Rubio and Cruz actually killed each other. Those Cubans, their the future of the GOP. A small and insignificant party like the Greens or Libertarians. Suck it Lincoln, Bush and two Cubans finally killed your party off for good. Trump can't win without his party supporting him. I expect the usual suspects to say he's raciss. Nothing like White guys playing the Race Card to kill a formerly Major Political Party.

Col. B. Bunny said...

The Republican Party is on life support and I view that as a thing of no consequence. The U.S. is in terminal decline and all public debate is just delusional. The great Fox News is happy to publicize the "Putin's a thug" them and the unconstitutional war in Syria is totally ignored.

No serious issue is being discussed with the few raised by Trump in a general way and now, it appears, in an insincere way. Jury is out on the latter point but there is some ominous shucking and jiving going on.